Someone tried to kill me today

commited said:
Do you think maybe he'd dozed off and drifted over or reached down for something and yanked the steering wheel?

If not - he's an absolute idiot and I'm glad that you (and the lotus :D ) are ok :)

You havent driven here much then, have you :D
They're just as bad here, if not worse. Terrible driving, and plenty of aggression. You end up instinctively knowing when a driver is an idiot and how to drive around them.

I used to do almost 50k a year driving round Ireland so I think I know the score :p Maybe it's just the driving style I'm used to and therefore it seems natural. Dublin city is a different kettle of fish alltogether though, they're all a bit mental to tell you the truth. The M50 in rush hour isn't a nice place to be, especially with all the Northsiders and culchies in their £50 Carina's trying to squeeze through :D
i had worse a few weeks ago a car driving on the wrong side of a daul carrageway towards me **** my self :O! didnt think he was gonna "stop" about 100 yards off my car he turned sharply and went off the road
Scuzi said:
I used to do almost 50k a year driving round Ireland so I think I know the score :p Maybe it's just the driving style I'm used to and therefore it seems natural. Dublin city is a different kettle of fish alltogether though, they're all a bit mental to tell you the truth. The M50 in rush hour isn't a nice place to be, especially with all the Northsiders and culchies in their £50 Carina's trying to squeeze through :D
To be honest i dont think iv ever seen a carina in real life.
I work with an idiot like this.

Three times now (since the new years) I've been coming home and this guy in a Ford Explorer is doing 52mph in a 55mph zone of clear, straight highway.

Being that I have a 50bhp or so 1.5L gutless wonder of a car that runs out of nuts at 75mph, I need quite a good run to get past him in anything short of a mile and a half!!

I get past him ok, but then he sits on my bumper close enough that I can only see one of his headlights at a time in my rear view mirror!! And this is at 1:00 AM in one of the highest deer strike areas in the two counties!! So I just plant it at 65mph and keep a sharp lookout for deer, as I'm going to need even MORE time to react with this moron sitting on my back bumper with his 21/2 ton Behemoth with worn out tyres on icy roads.

Then all of a sudden he backs off, plants it and goes screaming past me like I'm standing still and proceeds to do 75+ the rest of the 15 mile journey :confused: ??

I've asked at work (not realy into confronting him yet as I'm still fairly new there) and apparently this is his normal MO. He does it to everyone. Even managed to make one of the guys' wives get so nervous she lost control and went in the ditch!! :eek:

All I know is if he does it again, I'm taking the video camera (once I get a new battery) and dropping the tape off to the police station.......
I've had that so many times whilst on my bike. Either filtering (slowly) past people, or just doing a quick overtake (which you can do very very quickly on a bike). But no, I'm not allowed to overtake because they suddenly become the traffic cops and take it into their own hands to stop me.... and try to kill me. On 2 wheels you do feel so vulnerable at time. I did have someone pull out on me enough whilst filtering for me to scrape down the side of his car (I tried my best to swerve in time). Needless to say he was irrate - but here I was 6'1" 14.5st + leathers and lid just staring at him with a look of "don't you even dare start...." he got back in his car and didn't say another word. Needless to say I was petrified.

Glad you're ok Paul - sounds like one heck of a nasty experience :( Well done on keeping your cool as much as you did. There are some idiots on the road.
I had one on my bike (one of the reasons my next will be track day only. Too many **** trying to kill you).
Was doing a light overtake, which turned into quickly dropping it down a gear and having to dart past as he accelarated and swerved into me. I tottaly lost my rag and ended up stopping. he pulled over too and was not happy himself. I asked him what the **** he was doing and her ugby tackled me. I'm in full leathers gloves and boots. not happy as he's tried to kill me (and scuffed my alpinestars :D )I gave him a good right haner (i'm no rocky balboa but with kevlar armoured bike gloves on thats got to hurt). He got back in his BMW and drove off.

So yes there is more of these **** than you think. I took this to the police, they told me on my bike I was probably going too fast (he was doing 50 on his phone in his 330ci on a straight bit of NSL) and there is nothing I could do apart from doing him for assault, but as I got off my bike (and kicked his ass) I would not have won that.

In short there is more of these ***** about than you think!

No swearing. Read the FAQs
had a similer one a few days ago

going north on the M1 at night, in the specs controled 40mph speed limit , inside lane doing an indicated 40 mph when up behind me comes a hgv closer and closer he/she gets ( bear in mind i cannot speed up as its a average speed setup ) then on goes the hgv main beam hooter the full works , now i cannot see a thing totaly blinded , this keeps up for about half a mile. Then the hgv pulls out and and cuts me up nearly putting me in the cones and ditch.

good grief its got me shaking again just typing this
My worst was when I was on the M2 motorway in roadworks, only one lane open and a 50 limit in place which I was sticking to, when a Railtrack van came screaming up behind me, glued himself to my rear bumper and started flashing his lights and gesticulating wildly. After continuing like this for a while, and with no reaction from me (I'm not speeding up and getting done by a camera), he proceeds to undertake me on the hard shoulder .....then has to do an emergency stop as they have placed cones there to stop anyone using it as another lane. Oh how I chortled as he later sped past me giving me the finger...
I hate it when I overtake people and they flash me, really does annoy me when its completely safe.

Some chump in a BMW did it today after I ragged it off a traffic light, he was to my right and was in the complete wrong lane so i pulled off fast as I could tell he would be going down that road. Maybe I should have pulled off slow and forced him to go around the roundabout again ? Idiot
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Oakesy2001uk said:
apologies for the swearing, forgot to star that one. It still gets me going now, slower bike or slower reactions he would have killed me.

No worries - it's an emotive subject, I had to restrain myself too. Sometimes I do surprise myself at my reactions on my bike it must be said.
wozzizname said:
My worst was when I was on the M2 motorway in roadworks, only one lane open and a 50 limit in place which I was sticking to, when a Railtrack van came screaming up behind me, glued himself to my rear bumper and started flashing his lights and gesticulating wildly. After continuing like this for a while, and with no reaction from me (I'm not speeding up and getting done by a camera), he proceeds to undertake me on the hard shoulder .....then has to do an emergency stop as they have placed cones there to stop anyone using it as another lane. Oh how I chortled as he later sped past me giving me the finger...
Hopefully the SPECS got him. In which case, the last laugh's on you :)
Scuzi said:
I used to do almost 50k a year driving round Ireland so I think I know the score :p Maybe it's just the driving style I'm used to and therefore it seems natural. Dublin city is a different kettle of fish alltogether though, they're all a bit mental to tell you the truth. The M50 in rush hour isn't a nice place to be, especially with all the Northsiders and culchies in their £50 Carina's trying to squeeze through :D
Yeah I mostly drive inner city Dublin - but leave me alone I'm a northsider :(
I've found the best way to do it is to leave my house at 7ish and come home at about 8pm - looonnggg day.
Had a simliar experience a couple of years ago on the M6. I'd dropped my then g/f off at Gatwick or Heathrow airport, can't remember which, and was on the M6 northbound. There was one lane closed, and a 50 limit in force, so I'm sat at 50. An HGV closed up behind me, then started closing up to about 4 feet off my bumper, backed off a bit, closed up again, doing the whole flasshing lights and blaring horn thing. Bear in mind this was an early morning in late December, in wet and slightly ice conditions. I'd left a gap between me and the car infront, but I was filling my wellies with this nutter behind me. Fortunately, the roadworks ended after 5 miles, but this guy was up my butt the whole way. The way he was driving, you'd think he'd been given an exemption to the laws of physics and Jedi reaction times in truck driving school, because he clearly felt that he could stop his 38 tonnes of speeding death faster than I could stop my little focus.

Some people scare me.
I'm working on a turrit mounted painball gun for mounting on the roofrack of cars, (with joystick for 360 attacks) for JUST THIS kind of thing, pelt em with paintballs, no real damage to car, and everyone gets to see that they are an ARSE
I don't mind it tbh, if you want to go over the speed limit to overtake me then fine. just don't get violent when I'm overtaking someone
The only time it ever bothered me is when I was learning and people did it simply because of the L-plate.

Doesn't bother me at all now.
I just want one of those scrolling LED signs to put in my rear window. Then hook it up so it's programmed by voice........

Can you imagine the scrolling message?!!?!?

"Get off my arse or you're going to find out just how good your brakes are!!"
(not that I would ever recommend actually doing it!!)

"I was only passing you, you stupid ****!! If you were actually doing the speed limit to begin with, I wouldn't have needed to, would I??"

"I'm not racing you, you boy racer!! I just happen to want to go 5mph faster than you were!!"

I think you folks could come up with some more creative ones......
Mickey_D said:
I just want one of those scrolling LED signs to put in my rear window. Then hook it up so it's programmed by voice........

Can you imagine the scrolling message?!!?!?

"Get off my arse or you're going to find out just how good your brakes are!!"
(not that I would ever recommend actually doing it!!)

"I was only passing you, you stupid ****!! If you were actually doing the speed limit to begin with, I wouldn't have needed to, would I??"

"I'm not racing you, you boy racer!! I just happen to want to go 5mph faster than you were!!"

I think you folks could come up with some more creative ones......

Mine would say:

"Hey you ******* **** ****** ****** what do you ******* your are ****** egg ******* ***** ******* complete ******* banana face!"
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