Something to do with a beef joint?

17 Sep 2012
I was in tesco last week and managed to grab hold of a large beef joint for very cheap.

I doubt it will be a very good cut, or a very good standard of meat as it was less than 1/5 what I usually pay. With this in mind, what can I do with it that will be a little different?

Any ideas folks?
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Any idea what kind of cut it is at all? If it's a brisket you'll want to cook it to higher temperatures than if it's top rump and so on.
If it's top rump I'd be tempted to cook it to rare/medium-rare by browning it off first and then cooking it at a relatively low temperature. No need to go crazy with seasonings - salt and pepper work well enough, especially if you're going for rare meat.
If it's top rump I'd be tempted to cook it to rare/medium-rare by browning it off first and then cooking it at a relatively low temperature. No need to go crazy with seasonings - salt and pepper work well enough, especially if you're going for rare meat.

Very similar to this - Seal it, cook it for low and long, then carve it, place it into a tray of gravy, cover and cook for a bit longer. Allows the meat to absorb the gravy and comes out very tender due to also being covered.

Timings depend on how big the joint is of course and how you want to cook it - very difficult to tell you how long this will be. Though generally with this method of cooking, you don't need to worry about it beign rare, it'll be tender enough :)
Either way, slow cook stew. Plenty of onions, bottle of beer and then what ever else you want(carrot, celery, bay leaf, garlic, horesradish, soy sauce and five spice for a Chinese twist etc, so so many variations).
If you don't want stew, you then the tithe meat out, strain the liquor and reduce it to make a sauce, especially good with mash.
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