SONOS issues

4 Dec 2003
I was wondering if someone could do me a favour with their SONOS system. Over the last few days I have been unable to stream live Football or Cricket on Radio 5 live and get a message about rights management. I am pretty sure this is new for me as I have listened to live sport plenty of times in the past.

Could someone check if it is working ok on their SONOS so I can see if it is a problem with my system or something more general? I have also e-mailed SONOS tech support but no reply yet.

Streaming works fine to my PC with no issues so I am pretty sure it is not an IP-address issue.
I get it sometimes with 5 Live sport - it's a right issue thing. Easy way to solve it. Change to a music track for 10 seconds, then start 5 live again and it fine. It's just to stop 24 hour streaming of BBC stations. Basically flick to something else when you hear it, and the back again and it's fine with my Sonos 3 using Tune in app
I've had it ages ago too. I hadn't heard of that trick booyaka, I'll have to remember to try it.

It's a bit weird, but basically just flick to anything else for a few seconds and then back again and it's fine. Happens mainly with live football commentary etc. Can be on all day, live footy commentary starts and it goes off, flick it to a song for a few seconds and back and it's fine.
So I am still having the problem. Sonos tech support has helped, but I still cannot listen to live sport on 5 live or sports extra. I have tried booyakas tip with no joy. However it looks like the problem us with tunein as I get the same issue with the stand alone app.

Could someone try 5 live with live sport for me over the weekend?
I too am pretty annoyed about this to say the least. It would seem after spending an entire evening of research on this, Sonos users at basically at the mercy of Tunein and Sonos coding support for the new AAC HLS streams from the BBC. Until then I don't think there is any way to get the BBC local sport content on Sonos. THe BBC really balls'd up on this one.
There is a squeeze box fix on the way (I also have a squeezebox radio which is also suffering the same issues) but currently its a very convoluted process to get it working.
I can access the HLS streams from my TuneIn app on my iPhone, so I assume support from inside Sonos isn't to far off.

It's a shame it's even become an issue though really.
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