Looking to buy a new TV, this set seems to come up as a good buy, but I thought I would drop in for some OCuk advice before I pull the trigger
Ideal buying points for me:
48"+ (Ideally 55")
Ability to browse/play films via USB
SMART TV Apps (Primarily Netflix etc)
Picture quality (Films/TV only, gaming is on monitors so no worries there)
Things I don't really care about:
Sound, to some extend (I will probably get external speakers)
Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance.

Ideal buying points for me:
48"+ (Ideally 55")
Ability to browse/play films via USB
SMART TV Apps (Primarily Netflix etc)
Picture quality (Films/TV only, gaming is on monitors so no worries there)
Things I don't really care about:
Sound, to some extend (I will probably get external speakers)
Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance.