SORN Query

16 Dec 2007
few little questions...

My friend sorn'ed her car over a year ago. She has received 6 letters in the last few months saying she has an outstanding fine to the DVLA for SORN'ing the car.
She has had it done already but does this have to be done every year? She hasn't received any letters from DVLA all letters are from legal enforcers and the CSA.

(also may I add they are all addressed to Mr **** **** and not Miss which all her documents for the car is addressed under)

Anyone had any experiences with this before that can give a bit of advice?
My own car is currently SORN, and it has to be renewed every year. Strange that she's had no reminders however, I get one every tax period, and basically I just send it back (from what I can remember), with SORN ticked.

As for the wrong name business, I'd contact someone in the legal profession, as it may well be invalid due to the wrong title. However, if the name is the same then I don't know. Contact someone in the know about this. :)
Yep, it's the RKs duty to SORN it every year. Not receiving a reminder is no excuse.

If it isn't SORN'd or taxed, then you'll more than likely have to pay any fines they throw at you.
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