Sorry, We're Closed!

A lot of people are just getting drinks from supermarkets and then staying home.

Business's are closing early due to the lack of customers and its costing them more to stay open to pay the staff and lighting etc so its cheaper for them to close.

I am unsure if this still happens but Weatherspoon's used to have an off peck and on peak times where drinks would cost more during on peak and then less when it was off peak. When this starts happening it becomes too much hassle to even go for a print without spending a small fortune.
A lot of people are just getting drinks from supermarkets and then staying home.

Business's are closing early due to the lack of customers and its costing them more to stay open to pay the staff and lighting etc so its cheaper for them to close.

I am unsure if this still happens but Weatherspoon's used to have an off peck and on peak times where drinks would cost more during on peak and then less when it was off peak. When this starts happening it becomes too much hassle to even go for a print without spending a small fortune.
Can't imagine being an independent pub owner now.

Costs up and up.
Forced to put up cost of drinks/food.
Fewer and fewer customers.

Do you close early? Knowing you have fixed costs you're losing on. But saving on wages, heating etc but risk losing potential customers.

Or do you close late sending those variable costs up and only one lonely dude comes in for a fosters all evening.
I more or less refuse to go out drinking now unless it's Spoons.

Sorry but when you can get a really nice drink for about £3, Vs a pint of mass produced Northampton canal water for £6+ quid, I get so miffed about it I longer enjoy the experience.

I was out last night drinking doubles with coke at less than £4, anywhere else you'd looking at north of 10 quid now, **** that.
Can't imagine being an independent pub owner now.

Costs up and up.
Forced to put up cost of drinks/food.
Fewer and fewer customers.

Do you close early? Knowing you have fixed costs you're losing on. But saving on wages, heating etc but risk losing potential customers.

Or do you close late sending those variable costs up and only one lonely dude comes in for a fosters all evening.
Seems like it does not matter what you do, your the one that is loosing out (Owner that is).

You save with 1 hand and loose with the other so I guess your better off making a decision based on how busy you are at the time but that does not help with peoples shifts, stock and beer you buy

I do not go out anymore to drink and to be honest I only have a beer or 2 now when its a birthday\Christmas\special occasion and apart from these times I do not touch the stuff.
It's probably only going to be profitable to own a pub or bar in a tourist type destination going forward (like by a beach in Cornwall or something)
It's probably only going to be profitable to own a pub or bar in a tourist type destination going forward (like by a beach in Cornwall or something)

We used to go to pubs and clubs as a group from work for various reasons and just don't any more. Similar with takeaways - especially on a Friday night we'd get a takeaway in, now when it costs almost as much per person as it used to for the whole group of us we just don't do it.
Another spoons regular here.

It's not just the price, it's the experience. A night in spoons has a much lower chance of terrible music, or a kicking, than the high street local where I live.
Another spoons regular here.

It's not just the price, it's the experience. A night in spoons has a much lower chance of terrible music, or a kicking, than the high street local where I live.

The nearest one to me (Yeovil) the toilets are regularly a horror show (there is a video on YouTube but it is tame compared to what I've seen in the past), sticky floor, fights kicking off, terrible music LOL.
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Had a busy evening with some of the gals setting a fundraiser up for our local pony club. So busy, in fact, that we all decided a few white wine spritzers at the Tipsy Toad wouldn't go amiss.

Pulled into the car park of said establishment and it was in total darkness. Fair enough, I thought, so drove to the next.village to find the landlord in the process of bolting the door. Exactly the same to be said for the other 2 watering holes we subsequently tried.

Just LOL if you're not setting this activity up where you go out at some uncivilized time in the afternoon and start day drinking on your own, skip dinner because food is for the weak, stumble into a divebar in a west end town before smashing a kebab and making your way to the next place but it's your own house and your wife/landlord says they're not open and to try next door but your neighbour isn't open either so you end up sleeping under the bins at the 24 hour McDonalds at the end of the street.

e: noobs.
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Had a busy evening with some of the gals setting a fundraiser up for our local pony club. So busy, in fact, that we all decided a few white wine spritzers at the Tipsy Toad wouldn't go amiss.

Pulled into the car park of said establishment and it was in total darkness. Fair enough, I thought, so drove to the next.village to find the landlord in the process of bolting the door. Exactly the same to be said for the other 2 watering holes we subsequently tried.

This was at 10pm!

What an earth is going on with pubs these days? Harking back to my youth, the evening would always be rounded off by turning up somehere in time for last orders.

Seems our pub culture is going down the pan. Very sad.

Sounds like a fairly polite version of Pubwatch in action
around your way.

Next time, wear a disguise and get an Uber instead.
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The nearest one to me (Yeovil) the toilets are regularly a horror show (there is a video on YouTube but it is tame compared to what I've seen in the past), sticky floor, fights kicking off, terrible music LOL.

Caerphilly spoons is pretty tame compared the other pubs. Think I've only seen one fight in the last few years, and it was pathetic.

I did get butted in there once, but it was my mate, so doesn't count.
Another spoons regular here.

It's not just the price, it's the experience. A night in spoons has a much lower chance of terrible music, or a kicking, than the high street local where I live.
I've been going in ours years. I've only ever seen one "fight"
My mate and I were stood near the bar when these two young lads started with each other. To say it was a fight would be charitable.
We just stood sipping our beers watching the two lads slapping at each other until a large member of staff chucked them both out.
I very rarely drink now, when I do it's a bottle of vodka with diet tonic shared between friends. It's frankly not worth the cost outside of special occasions, there's other things I'd rather spend my money on.

Outside of that, I'd say UK "pub culture/night life" has been utter garbage for over a decade unless you're prone to getting so plastered you don't remember anything the day after. Its been a long time since I remember popping down the local being a healthy social experience, I'd honestly rather not. Obviously there's going to be exceptions to this, village pubs likely being one of them, but in general UK night life is about as appealing as taking a bath with a plugged in toaster.
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That's outrageous!

There's no way there'd be a bus at 6am.

Actually, there are (or used to be) work busses that ran that early in some areas. Usually for industrial estates with a lot of factories, which makes the mental image all the funnier.
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