Sound ok??

16 May 2011
I first build my current system basically when i was given some parts from a friend. Then over the past year i've purchased slight improvements but with BF3 nearly here i've been researching to upgrade. So at the moment i'm using:
Intel Core 2 6600 @ 2.4Ghz
ECS elitegroup P965T mobo
4 x 1Gb DDR2
OCZ Agility 3 60gb
Antec P180 case

Right so i decided i need a major overhaul but i am on a mediocre budget of around £400 and after a bit of research i have loosely decided on:
Intel i5 2500K
Asus P67 Sabertooth
Crucial Ballistix 2 x 4GB 2000Mhz (if the come in stock soon)

I will purchase a more capable graphics card when my funds are up to it and i do intend to overclock the i5 (something my previous mobo didnt like:()
This motherboard should also play a but nicer with the SSD than before.

So the question is, has anyone had and issues with this hardware i am not aware of? or could you suggest any different/extra hardware?

or similar pice to the one you've chosen

ram 2000mhz wouldn't give you any 'real life' benefits over 1600mhz, if you want the ballistic elite then save £25 and get the 1600mhz version

you're going to want a 3rd party cooler if you want to oc, the stock cooler lets you push to 4ghz or so but the temeps/noise will be high. not too expensive and allows you to oc to around 4.5ghz with good temps/noise.

whats your current psu, if its a cheap/no brand then you'll want a new psu as well.
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Both of the motherboards you mentions are Z68 boards, is there any particular advantage to those over a P67 on a sandybridge CPU?
My power supply is a advance ea-550w. Whilst it is ageing i think it is still capable. I will have to purchase a new one when i get a new graphics card. And i have a Artic cooling freezer 7 that i purchased recently so o think that should do just fine on fairly average overclocks.
Slower RAM is definatly a consideration as it is so much cheaper but i wasnt sure how much of a benefit it would give me so thanks for that.
Yeah thats what i got too. As i said, ageing.
If i was to get a new psu i would spend a bit more and get a fully modular one probably 750w+ just to 'futureproof' my pc and i do like the idea of athe modular psu's.
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