Sources/setup for 11 channel audio

22 Feb 2014
I am currently planning my living room layout, for running cables etc before decorating.
I was planning on having 2 rear surrounds ion the corners of the room behind me, then 2 additional speakers in ceiling above the main listening position to give me 7.1 Audio
However I have just bought a new AV receiver which has 11.2 channels.
Looking at a diagram of the back it has 7.1 + 4 height channels
If UHD Blu-Ray has 7.1 channels of sound, how do you make use of the additional 4 channels ?

I am assuming there are alternate sources which have additional sound channels ?
My main source is netflix, so even 7.1 is overkill but I am curious.
the amp will probably mix it in itsell. e.g. my old sony has 2 heights and it can use these to provide a taller front soundstage in conjunction with the center and l+r s
As above, the ceiling speakers are for Atmos.
As I understand it, Atmos receivers/processors can generate a "synthetic" (i.e. made up) set of height channels from a non-Atmos data stream (e.g. TrueHD) and I've read good things about how effective that is.
Unfortunately, fully Atmos sources are probably going to be limited to UHDBD disks for at least the near future, as Netflix and Amazon only broadcast in DD and sometimes DTS.
You get Atmos on Netflix/Amazon and I think Disney now too streaming. Need the ultraHD subscription for Netflix, and I've definitely had the Atmos flags come up on a show/movie.
Been doing a bit more reading and it seems 5.1.2 is preferable to 7.1.

Looks like that's the way I'm heading. Need to be sure though before I start running speaker cables.
There's auro3d which is format and dsp which you can apply to streams. And dts-x so it just like prologic DSP on stereo format.

I've just gone 7.1.4 and later add another 7.1.6 wanting to go x.2.x also
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