It was requested (@Diddums ) that I start a separate thread as I (accidentally) derailed another thread slightly (My bad)
Some background before we get into the discussion about the country.
I'm South African; I was born in South Africa and currently stay here. When I was around ±11 - my parents moved to the UK and there I attended school and spent roughly 5/6 years in the country. It was during that time I met my now wife - who was born in the UK (That's a different story for another day, perhaps - its long - about 20 years)
We visit the UK every year just about to see family now. Will be there again in two weeks time for July.
When I was 16, I decided I had to return to SA for some reason - this was 2006 or there about - roughly when I stopped using these forums.
So, the derailment of the other thread started when I asked about something local that happened and I suspect "everyone knew about it" in the UK - so I put up a disclaimer that I am asking because I don't stay in the UK (Yet) - which prompted a whole discussion about why I should not be moving to UK because "its a disaster" and such.
The reason for my move back to the UK is to be closer to family and our son needs to grow up round family (Also, he has a better future there, than here in SA)
I found it rather amusing that people were quick to point out how crap the UK is and that I should not move; it had me wondering if people in the UK knew enough about life in South Africa - to what extent does the BBC and other media outlets cover the country's issues?
To name a few:
- Highest unemployment in the world (Around 40%- vs UK at 3.7%)
- Poor education system
- Some of the highest crime rate - and violent, senseless crime
- Rapidly failing infrastructure
- Power outages on and off since 2008 - last 8 months, it was every day up to 10hrs a day
- Police service non-existent - calling the police if someone broke into your house is pointless. You might get through to someone, if you do, you hope they understand what you are saying - and then you hope someone might come out.
And many other issues.
I guess, the point I am making, is that yes, the UK has it's issues and yes life isn't perfect there - but it's a lot better than a lot of places in the world and to say "Oh at least we are better than SA, such a low bar" just tells me people have no idea, which is fair enough I guess.
I don't ask for much and once we move to the UK I look forward simple, every day thing, like walking along a beach front or in a park somewhere with my family and not worry about getting shot or mugged. I look forward to being able to drive around and not worry about making sure all windows and doors in the car is locked and I look forward to not worrying every time my wife leaves the house with our son, that they don't get hijacked or mugged or worse.
Also, I understand where the British are coming from when they say it's **** in the UK; but it's all about perspective in the end.
Some of you had questions that I could not answer and stories to tell; this is the point of the thread. Ask here and I can answer (As well as other South Africans on these forums)
I hope this is the right section of the forums - maybe Speakers corner? I wasn't sure.
Some background before we get into the discussion about the country.
I'm South African; I was born in South Africa and currently stay here. When I was around ±11 - my parents moved to the UK and there I attended school and spent roughly 5/6 years in the country. It was during that time I met my now wife - who was born in the UK (That's a different story for another day, perhaps - its long - about 20 years)
We visit the UK every year just about to see family now. Will be there again in two weeks time for July.
When I was 16, I decided I had to return to SA for some reason - this was 2006 or there about - roughly when I stopped using these forums.
So, the derailment of the other thread started when I asked about something local that happened and I suspect "everyone knew about it" in the UK - so I put up a disclaimer that I am asking because I don't stay in the UK (Yet) - which prompted a whole discussion about why I should not be moving to UK because "its a disaster" and such.
The reason for my move back to the UK is to be closer to family and our son needs to grow up round family (Also, he has a better future there, than here in SA)
I found it rather amusing that people were quick to point out how crap the UK is and that I should not move; it had me wondering if people in the UK knew enough about life in South Africa - to what extent does the BBC and other media outlets cover the country's issues?
To name a few:
- Highest unemployment in the world (Around 40%- vs UK at 3.7%)
- Poor education system
- Some of the highest crime rate - and violent, senseless crime
- Rapidly failing infrastructure
- Power outages on and off since 2008 - last 8 months, it was every day up to 10hrs a day
- Police service non-existent - calling the police if someone broke into your house is pointless. You might get through to someone, if you do, you hope they understand what you are saying - and then you hope someone might come out.
And many other issues.
I guess, the point I am making, is that yes, the UK has it's issues and yes life isn't perfect there - but it's a lot better than a lot of places in the world and to say "Oh at least we are better than SA, such a low bar" just tells me people have no idea, which is fair enough I guess.
I don't ask for much and once we move to the UK I look forward simple, every day thing, like walking along a beach front or in a park somewhere with my family and not worry about getting shot or mugged. I look forward to being able to drive around and not worry about making sure all windows and doors in the car is locked and I look forward to not worrying every time my wife leaves the house with our son, that they don't get hijacked or mugged or worse.
Also, I understand where the British are coming from when they say it's **** in the UK; but it's all about perspective in the end.
Some of you had questions that I could not answer and stories to tell; this is the point of the thread. Ask here and I can answer (As well as other South Africans on these forums)
I hope this is the right section of the forums - maybe Speakers corner? I wasn't sure.
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