Early access @ steam £11.99
Apparently you can't do much at all right now but one to watch out for
Features in early access
Early access @ steam £11.99
Apparently you can't do much at all right now but one to watch out for
Features in early access
Space Engineers is in alpha stage of development - this means that the game is still under development and will be improved on a regular basis through updates that add and polish features and content, optimizations and bug fixes.
Finished features
Building in creative mode – unlimited resources and instant construction
Deformable and destructible objects - real proportions, mass, storage capacity, integrity
Small and large ships – build them, pilot them and crush them
Space stations
Building blocks - light armor (cube, slope, corner), interior wall, small ship cockpit, large ship cockpit, gatling turret, missile turret, cargo container(s), gravity generator, nuclear reactor, thruster, gyroscope, refinery, assembler, drill, reflector light, interior light, catwalk, cover wall, door, stairs, ramp, ladder, small ship gatling, small ship missile launcher, landing gear, window(s), explosive cube, pillar, medical room
First-person & Third-person
Character animations - run, sprint, jump, climb ladder, crouch, fall, jetpack
World management
- Create new world
- Save as - branch to multiple copies
- Auto-save – saves the state of your world every 5 minutes and on exit; can beturned on/off
- Edit Settings
- Empty World
- Easy Start - recommended for newcomers – a world is generated with randomly selected green station or basic platform and a few template small and large ships
Electricity - all blocks in a grid are wired in an electrical and computer network
Gravity – produced by gravity generators
Modding - world files, shaders and textures
Work in progress or not implemented yet
No multi-player yet
No sound effects yet
No death and no re-spawn
Character animations - we are working on an enhanced version with more accurate first-person astronaut mode
Many of the 3D models are “concept models” only, with no textures and no optimizations
Door, conveyor, antenna/radar, ore detector, landing gear, explosive cube, medical room – not operational yet
Help / tutorial – on-screen hints show rather more info. You can disable them in Game Options
Deformations of non-armor blocks are still WIP
Gravity affects astronauts only (we haven’t decided yet whether gravity should be enabled on all objects)
Asteroids and space stations are immovable (we haven’t decided yet whether they should move and rotate)
No joystick and Xbox controller support yet
Scenario: Survival (start with the bare minimum resources, harvest and build to survive)
Modding 3D models is not possible yet
And many more
Temporary disabled
Building in manual mode - use welder to assemble blocks from components; use grinder to disassemble and reuse components
Drilling / harvesting
Refinery - process harvested ore to ingots
Assembler - manufacture components from ingots
Inventory and object manipulation
Weapons – automatic rifle, turrets, small ship weapons
Please bear in mind that this list may not be complete or perfect and everything is subject to change.