Space Marine demo on steam

Damn, had so much fun with this demo. Initially I thought this game would be blandtacular but it's actually not bad, and the guns are pretty decent considering it's a melee focused game.
The Jump pack is AMAZINGLY fun, feels just like the Assault marines in DoW II.

I just wonder how multiplayer will be, as that's where i'd spend most of my game time :p
Short demo, however a great deal of over the top fun fun fun. I dont have anything that plays like this anyway so i think its a buy from me.

Nothing special in the graphics department, maybe it will get better.
It pains me to say it but I can see it getting repetitive, I used to be a massive 40k fan in my early teens so I will play it for the story anyway but the combat seems a little shallow compared to say God of War or Bayonetta. Still fun while the demo lasted though.
Meh nothing impressive, people would be less impressed if it was not in the warhammer universe!. I also didn't like the fact that bosses tend to go for you and not your team mates only standard grunt orcs do.

Won't be buying this
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