Space Shuttle STS-121 - Mission ULF1.1 to the International Space Station

Can't wait for the launch. It's great to see a whole bunch people on here who feel the same way too.

As always, I have the highest admiration for the flight crew that go up in those wonderful but sometimes deadly machines. I often find myself wondering what goes through their minds on launch morning or just before re-entry.

I'd still take a ride in one any day. :cool: :)

I at least hope to see a launch before the program ends.
WMP working fine here, as it has all morning. Nice full screen image when I'm not browsing.

Issue being worked on: Possible problem with one of the heaters for the orbital maneuvering system thrusters. Wasn't expected to be mission-threatening last I heard.
Berserker said:
WMP working fine here, as it has all morning. Nice full screen image when I'm not browsing.

Issue being worked on: Possible problem with one of the heaters for the orbital maneuvering system thrusters. Wasn't expected to be mission-threatening last I heard.
what stream are you watching the one im on is far from nice in full screen.
Ive got it working now, by using the real player feed instead. Had to reinstall real alternative though. Unfortunately it only works on my primary screen, and goes black when I try it on the other. :(
NightSt@lk3r said:
what stream are you watching the one im on is far from nice in full screen.
Seems to depend on what version of WMP you have (9 works better than 10 for me, although I think I got 10 working eventually on one system), available bandwidth (more is better), and a bit of pot luck. After some careful tweaking I can fairly reliably get 150Kbps or better, but your odds decrease the closer to launch time it gets.

Riever said:
Looks like the launch maybe gonna get cancelled.
In the words of the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, Don't Panic.

As I've already posted, there's a 40% chance of bad weather (and that's gone down). It was actually quite nice at launch hour yesterday. Today is apparently the best of the available days weather-wise, so here's hoping.
8 hours - there's a built in hold coming up in a few. Don't panic when the clock stops, either. :)

Florida is notorious for summer afternoon thunderstorms. It's all down to when and where they happen.
Berserker said:
8 hours - there's a built in hold coming up in a few. Don't panic when the clock stops, either. :)

Florida is notorious for summer afternoon thunderstorms. It's all down to when and where they happen.

So in 4 hours, will the clock reset to another 4 hours? Does this mean the launch will be about 9pm here?
absolutely awesome, I met Kelly (the pilot) last year when he came to speak at Imperial College. He is an absolute legend, introduced himself as a naval aviator. boom!
I'll tune in closer to the launch. Its been a dream of mine to go see a launch. I guess the power of the rocket is symbolic of the power of human imagination. Its amazing to think we can do these things and were we could be in the future.
They say the sea breeze should kick in in an hour or two and knock those back out to sea. It's the afternoon stuff we need to worry about.

7 minutes from the next planned hold (so they can carry out inspections).
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