Spaying a case. Worth it???

25 Mar 2010
North London
I have a Lian Li G70 Full Tower which is going to house my new build and 1st custom water cooling setup. The case is bigger than any I have seen so hopefully with all the room I should get some neat results.

My only problem is it is finished in a brushed aluminium. Normally I like the look of this finish, but for some reason it doesn't seem to sit too well on a pc case. So I am looking to change the colour. Has anyone had any experience in painting a brushed aly case? I have been looking a powder coating as the finish looks good, but not too sure how much it will cost. Another option I suppose would be reanodizing.

Another thing I am worried about is that it may make an originally lovely case maybe look a little chavvy.

Any suggestions???
It would be a bit of a crime to rattle can an expensive lian li like that i would get it powder coated.
I hear what youre saying mate, I too think it would bad form to spray can a Lian Li, or any nice case in that matter, but it just looks awful in aly. Why did I buy it you might ask? Couldn't resist. Was after a large case for my project, loved the Lian Li range and managed to get this one, in prestine condition with a new fan controller fitted for under £40.

Any ideas on powder coating prices?
Your best bet would be to get the yellow pages out and look for someone local, as you're in London you should'nt have any trouble at all.
Powder coating does look the best option. I may have a dabble at painting it myself first though. Gotta try things every now and then I suppose. Worse thing that can happen is it looks rubbish. If so, I'll get it blasted then go down the powder route.

Being alu, I guess I'll have to use an etching primer first. Is there any special top paint needed or will any car paint do???
What's the best way to prep for rattle can painting then? Is it just a case of roughing it up a little with some 400 grit or something then apply the etching primer? Is etching primer needed, or will any car primer suffice???
Had a little change of heart this evening. Polished the finger prints, (which seem to appear so easily) and had a good look at it. It isn't as bad as I first thought. There is still something not sitting right with me though and I think it is there is no contrast anywhere.

So, I have now decided to change the colour of the inside panels to black with some delicate aly touches here and there.

My new dilema is, what colours do you guys think would be suitable for the dye in my see though watercooling tubing? Not end of the world stuff, I know, but it is a dilema all the same. So the outside will be brush aly, the inside black and UV ....???.... in the tubing.
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