speaker help pretty mega please

16 Feb 2006
ok so i found out one of my speakers is duff the other week when i put in my cassette radio which is used to run a tape adaptor for my zen.
i know the sound quality is power from these (i think) but would new speakers help?
this is the speaker i pulled out, 4 inch rear left door speaker

and this is the connector


now would i need to re-wire and stuff to fit new speakers ???
also could you spec me some, i dont want to go mad as its for a beat up 93 reg 106 but i want something that sound good and has as decent base as i can get on a tight budget without an amp (altho i know nothing about this stuff)

suggestions ?
chop that connector off - strip the cables back, attach to new speakers and screw in :)

ive got some infiniti reference 6512si in my car and they sound ok, although ive never heard anything else and they are 16.5cm but they also make 10cm ones in the reference series :)
When i did the Saxo's / Clio's speakers i took the OEM speakers and chopped the special connector off them (THE SPEAKER, NOT THE CARS LOOM), then soldered it onto the new speakers so it was a case of plugging the cars loom into the new speakers, keeps things nice and simple.

Just check the + / - terminals and make sure you get them the right way round.

The above will only work in your 106 if you get coaxial speakers, otherwise you need to adapt the factory loom to connect into a crossover.
Check how much depth there is to mount the speakers and make sure you get ones that aren't too deep.

If I was you I would replace the front speakers first. If they are the same size as the back ones then you could put one of the working original ones in the back.

Is it the rear left one that's broken?
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Dreadi said:
i know the sound quality is power from these (i think) but would new speakers help?

I take it that supposed to be "the sound quality is poor"? If so, yes getting some better speakers will help that to a certain extent.

Dreadi said:
i want something that sound good and has as decent base

Realistically, after market speakers will probably have less base unless you amp them or connect them up to a more powerful headunit. The only way you are likely to increase the base of the system without further amplification, is with 6X9 speakers, but they would go in the back, on the parcel shelf usually.

In terms of replacing them, you just need to get some 4" coaxial speakers, chop that connector off and solder/clip the wires on the new speakers, making sure you match + to + and - to -. As said, check the maximum mounting depth available and match up against any speaker specs before buying. For reviews on speakers, have a search on the talkaudio forums, but as a guide to start, I suggest you have a look at pioneer, alpine, and I think magnet are not bad if your on a tight budget, and stay away from sony.
thanks for the help then guys.

about th 6x9's, can i run them without an amp as i'd rather full the ugly holes in the shelf?

will the wattage output fro my HU by on the top of the unit on a sticker or something ?
Dreadi said:
about th 6x9's, can i run them without an amp

You can, as long as you buy appropriate ones (ie no point buying 500 watt ones when you are running from a 40 watt head unit). Low powered 6x9s will actually be louder in this case as they will have smaller, lighter magnets, and therefore higher sensitivity.
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