Speaker Suggestions Please :)

kidloco said:
Driving the big missions wont be an issue with your amp either fella, I googled it. its a flaming monster :cool:

Yup the amp is regarded by many as Sonys best ever Integrated amp, still has there patented hiss in the pre amp stage but you wont notice it usually but the dual mono mosfet power amp stage really makes up for it :D

I spent a few years waiting to get one and I love it :)

Back to the speakers anyhoo... Seems the B+W 603 series 2 are selling rather expensive atm one pair is currently on £450inc and it still has half a day left :eek:

So guess just leaves me with the Missions, having thought about it I could always connect an active sub at a later point to make up for the 50hz cut off as I've just remembered amp has a total of 5 stereo outputs :eek:
Well after a lot of ebay trawling on 2 continents most interesting floorstanders went out of budget (including the 753's now lol) so I bought a set of stand mounts.

I'm pretty confident they will still sound as good though as they're B+W 602's :)

As for stands, I think I'l save me some cash and just build some myself, have to build new hifi stand soon anyway :p

Thanks to everyone who replied, will let you know what I think of them when I receive them :)
I'd like these, but alas I'm low on space and would need a more powerful amp :eek: :p

Hopefully these 602's will keep me happy until I have more cash and a bigger place :)
Well I got my B+W 602's this morning.

When I hooked them up this morning I was a bit dissapointed in terms of bass but was quite happy with the clean and accurate treble these produce.

I have played about with positioning a little bit but couldn't get them sounding the way I wanted, but it seems this isn't a permanent problem.

As I've been playing them all day now they have started to sound better and better, I can only assume that although they are second hand the previous owner has never really run them in properly :p

Overall I quite like them, love the level of detail they produce, which was quite surprising as I have never been a fan of 2 way speakers, will run them in for a few days and see if the bass improves some more before passing full judgement but for £160 they seem to be doing quite nicely :)
what stands have you got them on mate and how far from the rear wall are they, the 602 should have quite a bit of bass
I clearly know nothing, but I'm going to suggest the JMLabs Focal Chorus S floorstanding speakers, which are available for 330 ex-demo through audio-t.

kidloco said:
what stands have you got them on mate and how far from the rear wall are they, the 602 should have quite a bit of bass

ATM they aren't on stands, but they are pretty well positioned and what they are sat on is pretty solid :)

Have spoken with previous owner and he confirmed that they were never really used while he owned them and that they have never really been ran in so they are basically brand new :D

They have improved a lot since yesterday, so they should start to shine after a couple more days use.

PS: Fini, I think you're a bit late mate :p
after running them in mate try and blag your friendly local hi-fi shop into lending you some stands, i think you will be amazed at the differance they make. Should really add a bit of slam to the bass.

If they still dont give you the umph you want, have a look at a sub, im currently looking at adding one for when using my home cinema amp. get a really good older unit for around a ton
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