spec check (can i do it cheaper?)

eightball103 said:
just looking at am2 prices... might be better if i pay the little extra and go am2 for future proofing.

Found the MSI k9n platinum to be a well recived mobo, couple that with the AM2 eqivilent of afformentioned spec, change the ddr to ddr2 and bobs your uncle. its a bit over £600 but not by much.

Im glad epox are still in the game. ive bough and sold many epox boards over the years. ive been happy with them and as far as i know the people i sold them to are happy with them.

Personally I would give it a good few months as AM2 has literally just been release today. And you can bet money on there being problems with a new chip and new mobos. Fair enough if you have the cash and don't mind tweaking fiddeling to get it working go for it, but tbh there are gonna be more boards out and better AM2 chips out come jan 2007 and that is what i am waiting for.
one thing i can spot is the inbalance between ** CPU and GFX, why goign for X2 when u only have a 6600? and SLI?!

u trying to do pure encoding or gaming?! seems to be confused on what u want. if u want cheap get a single core and get a X850XT or Pro Vivo and flash the Bios. and possibly get rid of the SLI and save another 50quid

that build is pretty Ideal tho, shop around i guess. good luck
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semi-pro waster said:
CA-040-AN Antec Sonata II Piano Black Quiet Case - 450W Smart Power PSU (CA-040-AN)
£56.95 £56.95

Lovely case design unfortunately PSU is a load of horse's left over. I d suggest u get a case with NO PSU and get ** original Modula PSU 450+ at least. MODULA PSU is the way, keeps ** case nice and tighty and also good air flow
pc-guy said:
Lovely case design unfortunately PSU is a load of horse's left over. I d suggest u get a case with NO PSU and get ** original Modula PSU 450+ at least. MODULA PSU is the way, keeps ** case nice and tighty and also good air flow
Do you know that it's crap from experience?

Cos, most people i've talked to who have one are happy with it....IMO it's a good PSU for the money.

Obviously there are better 450w psu's but.

Also unless clocking heavily or running hugh amounts of things in the case 450w is more than enough....In fact 350w is still okay providing it's well made!
I see what you mean about the am2 but im going to risk it i think and hit it up. i feel inevitably drawn to new and shiny things... :)

The sonata II is a more than reasonable case, but unfortunatly is a little understated for my liking. why buy the Golf when you can have the Beamer ;)
Im going to source the Aurora 3D from somewhere. plus i like bigger cases where i can work around inside.

I wouldent worry about the sonata II's 450W PSU everyone i know who has a sonata has praised it.
pc-guy said:
Lovely case design unfortunately PSU is a load of horse's left over. I d suggest u get a case with NO PSU and get ** original Modula PSU 450+ at least. MODULA PSU is the way, keeps ** case nice and tighty and also good air flow

I know of two rigs, one has a FX55 in it running perfectly fine of that PSU in that case.

They are great cases and very solid PSU's, for the money it is hard to get a better combo if you need to save money without skimping on the case or PSU much.

Obviously a 600w Seasonic or the like will be able to power more, but I have to find a normal rig that will not power up on a 450w Antec and run smoothly!

My rig will load up on a 360w Antec PSU, and its a X2, 2gb ram, 7800gt etc rig!
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