Spec Check: no.5492

10 Feb 2003
Intel Core 2 Quad-Core Q6600 G0 SLACR
Noctua NF-S12 1200 RPM 120mm Quiet Case Fan
Thermalright Ultra-120
Nvidia 8800GTX 768MB GDDR3 : was going to go for an Ultra but thought ill wait for Crysis and new nvidia cards and upgrade then.
Patriot 4GB PC2-6400 Extreme Performance (2x2GB)
Asus P5K Premium Wi-Fi Intel P35 LGA 775
I already have a DELL 2407
I have an unused collermaster cavalier (i think) case which will do for now.

Need advice:

Hard drive: Thinking of WD AAKS but not sure if the smaller ones are as quick as the 750gb which I don’t need
PSU: no idea at all. It needs to be reliable. I will not be using SLI in the future so nothing too wild.
Vista: I think I might wait for a bit until it becomes more reliable and Crysis is out. Ill buy it then.

Any thoughts suggestions? I am secretly hoping for a 3.6gig OC from the Q6600. Have i missed anything out?
They aren't as fast as the 750 GB models but they're still darn fast. You'd do well to get one.

The universal PSU around here is the Corsair 520W. It's just about perfect.

3.6 Gig?! Either I'm not up to date on G0's clockability or I think you might be pushing your luck a bit. ;)
deadsquirrel said:
Hard drive: Thinking of WD AAKS but not sure if the smaller ones are as quick as the 750gb which I don’t need

WD AAKS HD's like you said, extremely quick and silent.

deadsquirrel said:
PSU: no idea at all. It needs to be reliable. I will not be using SLI in the future so nothing too wild.
Extremely reliable and silent and highly rated and recommended.
"3.6 Gig?! Either I'm not up to date on G0's clockability or I think you might be pushing your luck a bit. "

hey... im an optimist! But seriously, quite a few people over at the XS forums seem to have them at the 3.4 - 3.8 mark. If i was a betting man (which i am ;)) i will put my chances at around 22.5% - 28%.

Do you think the extra for an Ultra is worth it considering the 1900/1200 res of the monitor?

Thanks for the PSU sggestion. Will have a look.
ok, so thats pretty much it then. The only thing i am not 100% sure of now is the RAM. Anyone here have patriot ram? Any other 2x2gb kits you would recommend?

p.s this better be quicker then my athlon [email protected] with a 6800GT or ill be round your houses for justice!
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