Spec check

Thanks stickroad, I've got coretemp running with F8 and 'run in admin mode' on the desktop shortcut :) . Everything is running fine but I've noticed the BIOS is version 0414 . The Q6600 GO is only officially supported at version 0603 . Here's the details -

BIOS update file for P5K (Version 0603)
Revise Conroe G0 stepping CPU temp. offset value

I don't want to flash the BIOS unless it's really essential. Does anyone know what the latest version would do over the version I'm running ?

I'm now running the following and happy with it -

334*9 - 3GHz
MEM - 5:6 - 400MHz - Stock speed of the Geil ultra

CPU BIOS - 1.35V
CPU CPUz - idle 1.304v
CPU CPUz - prime small FFT 1.24v

CPU temp -
idle - 34°C
prime small FFT - 54°C

MB load temp (which I assume is the chipset) - 43°C

3DMARK06 - 10118 - default nvidia control panel settings.

There's quite a bit of volt drop on the CPU from the BIOS setting, especially under load. I've tried upping the CPU voltage to 1.4, MEM 1:1 (712MHz) and running 356*9 - 3.2GHz but the temp increase means it's not really worth the real world gain . The MB temp rises in excess of 50°C and the CPU to 57°C . I also checked with Asus support and they said I may get an error with the BIOS I'm currently using at boot and have to hit F1 to continue. Since I'm not getting that error and everything is stable, I'm not taking the chance of flashing the BIOS . I would if you could get a BIOS savior for the P5K but I don't think you can.
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I'm not sure of a safe chipset temp, but 50oC doesn't sound too bad. I just stick a fan on the chipset out of habit. Generally if you are overclocking it is a good idea.

The advantage is mostly theoretical with the FSB and the memory in 1:1 sync - if the bus needs something from memory it can retrieve it at the same speed that the memory operates, meaning, I think, that the bus isn't left waiting for the memory (or the other way round).
You would have more memory bandwidth at 5:6, but then would your system make use of it? I run my memory at a similar sort of ratio, but I honestly don't think there are benefits in running your RAM slower. If you can run your FSB faster than go for it!
My system has been stable at 3GHz so I went for 1:1/3.2GHz -

The NB voltage had to be upped to 1.55 to get over 350 FSB.

400*8 - 3.2GHz
MEM - 1:1 - 400MHz - Stock speed of the Geil ultra

CPU CPUz - idle 1.352v
CPU CPUz - prime small FFT 1.248v

CPU temp -
idle - 37°C
prime small FFT - 57°C

MB load temp (which I assume is the chipset) - 49°C

3DMARK06 - 10193 - default nvidia control panel settings.

It doesn't seem to have made much difference to the 3DMark06 score but I assume that's more down to the graphics card.
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