Spec me a Belgian Beer

Waitrose have a good range as well. Westmalle Dubbel (strong dark beer), Tripel Karmaleit (strong pale beer) and Kriek Boon (cherry sour beer) gives you a good range of different Belgian styles to try
Triple Karmaliet in Sainsburys is about £5 for a large bottle.

It’s one of the more mellow beers and very easy to drink.

I have some photos of Carrfoure in Dunkerque beer selection.. it’a massive!
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For the record, the mrs is from the nord france so it’s beer country woth flandres and north france. A local north french beer is La Raoul which is really good in summer.
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Triple Karmaliet in Sainsburys is about £5 for a large bottle.

It’s one of the more mellow beers and very easy to drink.

I have some photos of Carrfoure in Dunkerque beer selection.. it’a massive!
Oh god how did I not remember this, yes, buy this, buy ALL of this !
Head over to St Mount Bernard in Leicestershire for some excellent English Trappist Ale (Tynt Meadow) and if you get there before Christmas you can pick some other Trappist beers including a collaboration and the incredibly rare Westvleteren.
Never really been a beer drinker, would have the occasional whisky or cocktail, but after a trip to Belgium earlier this year, i am a convert!

These can be bought from uk supermarkets:

Triple Karmerleit
St Bernardus

I used a website called the belgianbeercompany to order a selection of tried beers, and new ones i wanted to try.

Golden draak (also great in a steak pie)
Gouden carolus - classic / triple / whisky infused
straffe hendrick
Kasteel donker
Kasteel Barista Chocolate quad
Rochefort triple

Also, one that i bought back from Belgium and havent been able to buy online yet, is one from the Brussels beer project called Tripel bertha.

If you are near to Bristol, there is an excellent Belgian pub called The Strawberry Thief that serve Belgian beers.
I keep meaning to check back in on this thread - if you get the opportunity order some Maredret Altus, that stuff is lush and defo my favourite Belgian Beer at the moment.

Same brand they also do a beer called Triplus which is also great but not as good as the Altus.
Slightly related, many years ago I was in a bar in Brussels. I asked the waiter if he had a beer which was around 5%, he replied "yes sir, it's called water".
Anyhow, I settled with one called 'kwak'
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Tripel Karmeliet is my go to that is available in uk supermarket. I'm not a fan of the doubles or quads in the main, so stick to tripels. Can't go wrong with most mentioned in here, Delirium do a good range, the nocturne is great, although my favourite find was when I was in Concepcion, Chile and walked down the main street and found every bar had Delirium Tremens on tap and sold it in 500ml glasses, not the rubbish 2/3rds you get over here!

@mr.bond best bit about Kwak is the glass! Which came from the old days of horse and carts, as the beer is almost impossible to spill from a Kwak glass when going over lumps and bumps, so they would have a holder for their beer on the cart which would be refilled as they travelled around. Can't be spilling a belgian beer!
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Kwak glass when going over lumps and bumps, so they would have a holder for their beer on the cart which would be refilled as they travelled around. Can't be spilling a belgian beer!

My parents have a viking glass drinking cone. You can’t put it down until you have finished the glass!
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