Spec me a bird name

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Vet update, they cleaned him up, found no signs of wing damage, so looks like some much needed rehab is all that's needed, he's also got some energy back but isn't flying, look at him pecking away at the foam in the carry box on the way to the vet :D


Can pick him up easy now and he's pretty tame, pet head and things. Pretty neat, used to have Cockatiels as kids so this brings back some fond memories. Hopefully once all better and released, he pops in to visit.
RSPCA are useless, do you eat chickens btw? If so, do you not find any conflict with going to all this effort helping this bird, (which is great btw) but then paying for other birds to live horrible lives and be killed after a few weeks?
I do eat chicken, I oppose the needless and cruel killing of animals for food, but culling is a necessity as well whether cattle/chicken etc. We are also meat eaters as living beings, but until lab grown meat is out in full force then nothing will really change, and even once that happens, culling will still be needed to balance ecosystems from over-population and the issues like disease etc that comes with. It's a fine line for sure, but we help where we can to do our own little parts.

I believe nature has a method to its madness, it lands things at our feet and sees how we deal with it. This little bird was in need of help, nature requires this guy to survive.

Sir Starling Moss (still undecided :p) is going to be let free in the house probs tomorrow depending on how he appears chirp-wise. See if he eats from the hand etc. And if he can not fly yet, then give another couple of days to regain wing strength I guess.
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So thats generally what animal agriculture is, seeing as the vast majority of farmed animals live in hell hole factory farms, which are obviously cruel and unnecessary when we can live healthy lives on a plant based diet.

Not sure what you mean by "culling", the animals people eat don't exist in nature do they, so we breed them to kill them at a fraction of their lives. Zoonotic diseases are also caused by what we do to animals, take a guess which industry uses the most antibiotics....

For future reference, Hart Wildlife in Alton definitely care for injured birds.
I ended up contacting them today and will be dropping the dude off tomorrow. They can provide treatment and rehab etc but they did say if the wing is a really old injury and hasn't healed correctly, then the bird won't ever fly again and that's detrimental to its life (cat attacks etc) - And it's not advised to keep a wild bird indoors either :( I've also noticed that when indoors he just stays in one corner, whether in the room of in the large box with food etc, but then randomly will full of energy bouncing about eating and stuff. Thes ebirds in the garden are always moving, never still, so I guess being indoors makes them get extremely bored/lonely.

Let him out earlier and he tries to fly but ends up gliding down, can climb really well and has loads of speed on the ground, so certainly has regained all that energy. Also these things poop a lot!

Look at the wing, it looks the same as the working right wing, but it doesn't retract properly when you pull it out then let it go like the right one does:


Oh yeah he's got accustomed to humans now too, lets you pick him up, head rub, beak move etc. Kinda neat. But then randomly he realises he's a wild bird then runs ioff jumping and trying to fly until you go get him again :cry:

Hopefully Hart Sanctuary can give the correct care though.
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Now living at HART, happy sad times, the random noises of rummaging in the food tray in the middle of the night, the banging on cardboard etc will be missed, but it's for the best. The staff there reckon the left shoulder is swollen so some meds and recovery will be seen to. Hopefully might see an update on their FB :D

How's it getting on
No idea! They said I can call in a couple days to find out, but they also seem to be posting new patient pics and info on their FB page so I will keep an eye on that and call if nothing gets posted :cool:

Time to buy a parrot to fill the void? :cool:
we'll always have Paris
- guess he may already have a parrot.

Had Cockatiels growing up, reared babies and watched them hatch from their eggs, they're basically dinosaurs without feathers: Had to pass them onto cousins once we siblings etc went into work/higher education as not enough company around the house for them to get the right amount of stimulation that pet birds require on a daily basis, so gotta do what's best for them.



Considered getting another when covid hit as everyone was working from home and it seemed WFH would be the new normal, but lucky I didn't as now going in at least twice a week is necessary, they may change to 3-4 days in too, nobody knows for sure.
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Yup they are like 4-5yr old human kids that can critically think cunningly at all times with their own preferences, have preferred humans etc lol.

The only downside to a tiel is once they start talking/singing, they never pipe down until they're ready for sleeps :p Also the dander from their feathers is a very fine floaty dust that layers up on top of any surface in the room they stay in the most. More than budgies/larger birds. Someone needs to be on regular dusting duty.
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