Wondering if people out the there could give me a hand with putting together a build for my Gaming Pc. 
Already got the OS - Windows 7 Pro
Already got Dual 24" Acer GD245HD 120htz Monitors
Got other things like ,Keyboard, Mouse & Speakers
So basically all i am after the The Case with all the bits on the inside for the build.
Would like 2 Drives - 1 Bluray Player - 1 Dvd Player/Burner
Just 3 things i like to do when i put together a build
No Amd products (I have no brand confidence - Long story)
No Watercooling (Wouldnt trust myself)
Preferablly something that will last a good 2 years
I like to think i am pretty capable with regards to building a PC but this will be my first in quite sometime.
Looking at some of the older posts you guys seem to be pretty hot with your answers for peoples builds - Do you ever get sick of helping people out lol ?
Many Thanks for your help in advance

Already got the OS - Windows 7 Pro
Already got Dual 24" Acer GD245HD 120htz Monitors
Got other things like ,Keyboard, Mouse & Speakers
So basically all i am after the The Case with all the bits on the inside for the build.
Would like 2 Drives - 1 Bluray Player - 1 Dvd Player/Burner
Just 3 things i like to do when i put together a build
No Amd products (I have no brand confidence - Long story)
No Watercooling (Wouldnt trust myself)
Preferablly something that will last a good 2 years
I like to think i am pretty capable with regards to building a PC but this will be my first in quite sometime.
Looking at some of the older posts you guys seem to be pretty hot with your answers for peoples builds - Do you ever get sick of helping people out lol ?
Many Thanks for your help in advance
