My last walk I went on in December to do the Xmas lights I took my big bag.
Weighed it before I left and weighed 10kg
Boy did I feel it after 17 miles !
And it was still like this, eh?
Rules of the Rucksack
1. No matter how carefully you pack, a rucksack is always too small.
2. No matter how small, a rucksack is always too heavy.
3. No matter how heavy, a rucksack will never contain what you want.
4. No matter what you need, it's always at the bottom.
What we need is this:
And in M4/3 system I could fit camera and lenses from 16mm to 800mm field of view to 2½kg weight.
With that biggest lens, Panasonic Leica DG 100-400mm being huge φ83 x 171.5mm.
And fitting to my old Kata LightTri-318 "torso pack".
Though starting to add 60mm macro, 25mm f1.4, f1.8 fisheye is impossible even though those are lot more compact than usual DSRR lenses.
Bigger shoulder bags might actually be able to fit those all, but having more weight on one shoulder for longer time can get nasty.
"Swapping side" would solve that, but shoulder bags again aren't very good for bicycling.
Usual sling bags again aren't really that spacious or offer access to all content easily.
And might sometime want to fit also Mavic Pro in needing space for that.
Again normal backpacks would be even worser for getting anything out from it conveniently, with need to lower it to ground...
Which would suck stronger than industrial vacuum when bicycling.
LowePro's Flipside models would be only good exceptions to that...
Offering more comfortable carrying of bigger bulk/weight than anything putting weight on one shoulder, with not horrible access time.
But then again with "back already reserved" also some extra stuff should fit to it like drink/snack.
While normal shoulder bag or that Kata would allow carrying normal backback.
Reality is annoying... something always sucks...
One thing camera bag makers are missing is "simulator" in their website, in which you could roughly check how different size lenses and stuff would fit into their bags.
It shouldn't be very hard to program and certainly wouldn't need any more bandwidth than usual multimedia crap.