Oft not going to lie this guy sounds like a proper *******. I would have lost it ages ago. I used to have to take the mrs to Hospital in the middle of night if things got bad and a scumbag in the flats would park blocking 4 of us in spaces. Only stopped doing it when the ambulance could not get parked for an old dear in the house opposite and she nearly died. The tard then finally moved. Anyone tried getting the council or a community officer around?
As far as I know there is absolutely nothing you can do to stop him parking wherever he likes unless he blocks you in. Even then it would be a waste of police time tbh calling them as he would likely act innocent and say it was a mistake, etc.
This morning he had 4 vehicles out front and zero on his driveway. I've just checked now and one of the vehicles has gone but a different one is now in its place yet zero on his driveway. He can fit 3 cars on his driveway and if he gets rid of the grass at the front he could easily fit 6-8 vehicles.
His staff come in personal cars drop them off and take away one of his fleet leaving their personal car there which is a **** take, all of his staff or majority of them are all family, he has his son and daughters working for him as well as son in law and step sons and daughters. Today is a quiet day as well with only 4 cars it's usually around double that and when that happens he normally parks 2 on his drive and the other 6 on the visitor spaces with 2 double parked across them. I know my neighbor who has a wide with health issues finds it difficult because they have 2 cars and now need to park one of them a block away. His parking is also dangerous he parks on the junction which has a blond corner as the junction is on a bend it's a T junction and cars coming uphill can't see if someone is coming the other way and needing to come into the opposing lane because his vehicle is blocking their lane. I have asked the council about fitting bollards but got no response I'll try again on the junction as other junctions in the same estate do have them.
I don't care about the vehicles because I can fit 4 cars on my driveway if they are small or 3 large cars. So it's not an issue unless I invite people round and that hasn't been more than 1 household during Covid but if things go back to normal and I organise say a BBQ I'll need to plan my parking a week in advance to steal a space or two when it becomes empty. As it usually has an employee's personal car or one of his fleet in the visitor parking areas.
What is really annoying me is this new light. It's absolutely ridiculous. I have a 9 month old baby and this thing when it goes off I'm not joking is like a UFO is outside or something. It's absolutely ridiculous. The guy owns a security company fitting alarms and CCTV so he obviously has a top of the line system protecting his home with 4 cameras at the front alone that I can see but this new security light is literally shining into our house to the point even if you are downstairs watching TV you can notice it come on as it comes through the windows. At night with no lights on in the bedrooms it's even worse.
We sell laser lights. They’re not cheap but they are ludicrously bright and the literally emit for miles. It sounds like he’s bought or been given one as a sample and he’s mounted it on his home.
As it’s disturbing you, I would ask him to dial it down a bit, or just massively decrease the sensitivity so it only goes off if it detects a human right outside his home.
If he still persists then you need to file a nuisance complaint with your local Environmental Health department. They should come out and have a polite word. If he STILL persists then they should issue him with an abatement notice and if he breaches the conditions of that then it’s prosecution time.
I'll have a word with him the next time I see him. I just wanted to see what the legal position is because I know there is nothing legally I can do about his vehicles. Is there something I can use to measure the brightness and what legally should their brightness be from across the road? His house is approx 20m away from mine.