Spec me a cooler CPU cooler?

26 Oct 2003
• Abit NF7-S v2.0 (Socket A)
• Athlon XP3000+ (Running at 200 FSB)

I currently have an Aero7+ but I want something that'll chill the Athlon even more. Variable speed a 'nice to have' but not essential. Cost not a major problem (and neither is noise) - just want a damn good one! :)

hmm thats pretty warm. As I've said in other threads I used a Gigabyte G-power pro on my old xp3200 and that used to idle at 34-36'c and peak at 42'c under heavy load. It now cools my 3700sd as its universal and does a great job keeping that nice and cool too :)
i used a g-power bl on my old msi board since it did not have mounting holes. but the nf7 board like the one in my second pc has the mounting holes so i got a big typhoon for it :D
gr1mey said:
what are your case temeratures? thats very high for idle in windows tbh.
I dunno - it's probably nowhere near that (crappy software etc) :D

As long as I can get a few recs for a new cooler which is much better than the Aero7+ I'll be happy. :)

Doesn't seem to be any around anymore for that mount... :(
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