Spec me a film

Dark_Injection said:
Oh, well anyway watch the 1920's one !

I agree, it's a brilliant film, even with those bits missing. It's kind of an epic, or at least it feels like one when you watch it. Ignore the fact that it's German, it's a great film.
[noodle] said:
I agree, it's a brilliant film, even with those bits missing. It's kind of an epic, or at least it feels like one when you watch it. Ignore the fact that it's German, it's a great film.

Indeeed :D

The shot where she is running through the caves and the light is following here.

I mean it seems like nothing now, but when you think these camera were the size of cars and to get a shot to come out then crisp and precise, and to actually look good is a piece of artwork for its name.

The German state, well the media part of the German state also nearly became bankrupt due to this film, so it obviously has high production values for its time.

Anyway watch it !!!
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