Spec me a guitar doodle/thingy!

5 Mar 2003
Ok, this is what i need.

1) i want to be able to play my guitar through my computer and its speakers in REAL TIME without any lag

2) i want the 'thingy' to have different effects/amp models

3) It would be nice if i could use it to record and layer tracks aswell although i guess cakewalk would do this for me?

4) I want it to be user friendly and muchos fun :)

Thanks in advance

As suggested to me by dmpoole, they made this for you:


I have one and its great, in fact its bleeding excellent if you want something simple to use. The only criticism I can give is that if you try and do cover songs, the drums will sadly sound dire compared to the original. Also the real time effects on a standard Mac program (Which I forget) are far superior, but unless you are planning to make your guitar sound like a hammond organ or want to record an arpegio by playing one note, you won't be missing out.

I'll put up something I made with it in a few minutes....

Edit: The first thing I made with it, shows how easy it is to use really considering I had relatively no idea how to use it (Although the ring modulator at the end was with an effects pedal):

Click for a cover song ma-bob
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is riffworks just software? im worried about lag and want to be able to play in real time with the effects. The thing that interested me was toneport and guitar port. Will look into this riffworks though, thanks!
Doosht said:
is riffworks just software? im worried about lag and want to be able to play in real time with the effects. The thing that interested me was toneport and guitar port. Will look into this riffworks though, thanks!

Guitarports are great, so easy to use. You can connect it up to the line in on your PC and use whatever software you fancy to record the output.

(they're also cheap, around £85)
Get an M-Audio Fast Track USB. It has an XLR input for mic's and a guitar/line-in 1/4 jack for your intruments, as well as balanced RCA outputs and a headphone jack.

You get some specialised software (GT Player Express) that you would otherwise have to purchase, and all for £80.

I use it all the time with a standard 256 buffer size, the latency is only 8ms in Cubase and other applications. :)

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OzZie said:
Get an M-Audio Fast Track USB. It has an XLR input for mic's and a guitar/line-in 1/4 jack for your intruments, as well as balanced RCA outputs and a headphone jack.

You get some specialised software (GT Player Express) that you would otherwise have to purchase, and all for £80.

I use it all the time with a standard 256 buffer size, the latency is only 8ms in Cubase and other applications. :)


Does it do amp modelling and offer guitar effects?
i just did some impulse buying and just bought a toneport ux-1 for £75 + £6 delivery. Hope i did right!
Cuchulain said:
Does it do amp modelling and offer guitar effects?

Yeah, you can either use the bundled software (GT Player Express) or use any other 3rd party application that uses the ASIO driver (such as Waves GTR, Amplitube etc). You can apply any of these effects to any of the inputs too, so you can add reverb and other effect to vocals which is interesting... :p
Doosht said:
i just did some impulse buying and just bought a toneport ux-1 for £75 + £6 delivery. Hope i did right!
Riffworks would have came with a guitarport and the gearbox software too.

I think that the riftworks software is a lot more 'pickup and play', but I'm sure you will be happy with your purchase.
Doosht said:
i just did some impulse buying and just bought a toneport ux-1 for £75 + £6 delivery. Hope i did right!

That's exactly what I was going to suggest! I own the UX-2, and it's a fantastic bit of kit. You won't be disappointed. :p
I use a Line6 Guitarport and Riffworks Line 6 Edition, and can't recommend it highly enough.

It will suit your needs just fine by the sounds of it. It's doesn't have the flexibility of some of the more complex programs, but for laying riffs down, creating demo's and jam tracks, it works really well.

It's been out for a while now, and some people are getting really good results with it.

Check out http://www.sonomawireworks.com/riffcaster/ for songs people have posted.

There's also a few of my tunes at http://www.sonomawireworks.com/riffcaster/[email protected]

In answer to your questions:
1. The monitoring is done via the Guitarport hardware, so no lag.

2. You use the Gearbox software, which is a user friendly interface comprising of amp models, cab models and various effects. Very easy to use.

3. Riffworks uses an easy interface to make 'riffs'. Basically each riff is a drum track that you record layers on to. You record several riffs, then just lay them out in a timeline in whichever order you like.

4. It's great fun, and easy to use, that's the beauty of it!

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Thanks for the above post :)

I got my toneport yesterday, wow things have come on over the years, its better than i hoped to be honest. Ive got a great sound to practice Siouxsie and the Banshee's 'Spellbound' also ;)

New questions are...

1) Gearbox seems good but is it possible to use amplitube or guitar rig with the toneport?

2) Can you record with toneport or do i need a seperate program to record songs with.

3) Currently ive got my headphones plugged into the front but ideally i would like the sound to come out through my computer speakers. Is this possible?

Thanks in advance

Doosht :D
If its how i think it is, you'll have a balanced RCA output somewhere. This is where you connect your speakers up too. However, some computer speakers wont have the right connections, so you may have to purchase different leads or just buy some monitor speakers that are designed for just this purpose. :)

Edit: You wont be able to run into your computer soundcard and let that route you to your setup. The only output you recieve is from either the headphone jack or the main stereo output on the hardware. ;)
Doesn't the Toneport have a USB connection? I thought that was the point of the thread?

Just noticed the price of these:


I have the G21U and it's superb, but this thing looks superb(er) :D

Sorry if that's a bit late :(

Doosht said:
1) Gearbox seems good but is it possible to use amplitube or guitar rig with the toneport?

2) Can you record with toneport or do i need a seperate program to record songs with.

3) Currently ive got my headphones plugged into the front but ideally i would like the sound to come out through my computer speakers. Is this possible?

1) You should be able to use them yes. Although god knows how, I record onto hardware.

2) Any program like Cubase that can record and utilise low latency ASIO drivers (also dependant on soundcard iirc) will do it, USB recording is rarely idea though, although not impossible.

3) Sort out No2 and you should hear it.
Doosht said:
1) Gearbox seems good but is it possible to use amplitube or guitar rig with the toneport?

I'd imagine so, but what's wrong with Gearbox? Especially as you've only had it for such a short period of time? Plus, there are optional upgrades available on the Line 6 website, so check 'em out. Also, Gearbox software has been updated to version 3.0 (I think) so you might want to grab the latest version. :)

Doosht said:
2) Can you record with toneport or do i need a seperate program to record songs with.

Doesn't it include Ableton Live Lite 4? Mine did. It's a recording program with most of the funtionality of the full version, but locked to 4 audio and 4 MIDI tracks.

(edit: checked GAK, and it says Ableton Live Lite is included with the UX1, so you should already have the recording software)

Doosht said:
3) Currently ive got my headphones plugged into the front but ideally i would like the sound to come out through my computer speakers. Is this possible?

Plug in your computer speakers into the headphone socket?
e-mu 0404 soundcard (professional recording) has 0 latency monitoring and digital ins. really, really high quality recordings and cubase sx free.

Behringer VAMP pro has loads of guitar models (mostly good) and digital outs (stereo).

Total cost together.. ~£200

That's my setup and you get really nice results, monitoring and recording (The recording has latency, but you monitor through the card, not through the software.

1sec, I'll upload my gcse coursework I did with it.

I used fruity loops to do the drums and synths, but the recording/levels etc were with cubase sx which comes with the card.

The intro I added all the white noise in a shoddy attempt to sound like django reinhardt, don't let that put you off... :o


edit: seen the requirement for user friendliness.. I guess there might be easier options, as while the behringer unit is very simple and intuitive, the pci card(emu 0404) is essentially a cut down version of their proper professional gear (creative professional).

The emu has 2x Mono outs (stereo), 2 x mono in (can be stereo) and digital stereo ins/outs (coaxial and optical), and then midi in/outs.

edit edit: you've already bought something :o
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Doosht said:
3) Currently ive got my headphones plugged into the front but ideally i would like the sound to come out through my computer speakers. Is this possible?

I assumed that he meant he is plugging headphones into the front of the Tonethingyhujib and wanted to multitrack and hear it all at once through the PC speakers whilst overdubbing etc.

In which case, plugging speakers where the headphones are at the minute would be no good.

georges said:
The intro I added all the white noise in a shoddy attempt to sound like django reinhardt, don't let that put you off... :o

Don't recall Django doing any crazy phasing :cool:
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