Spec me a hardrive(Mine is rubbish and i think it's dieing)

29 Nov 2006
The Mo0n
Hi i have a 200GB maxtor 6l200mo ata which is on it's last leg's.
I'm after the fastest hardrive i can get for around 60 pound's with a ideal size of about 300GB :)

I don't know anything about hardrive so I'm hoping i came to the correct place for advise :p
Ok thx's a lot :D
What sort of proformance gain can i expect over my maxtor?Faster loading time's ect, stability would also be a nice gain over my maxtor :p When using sandra to benchmark my hardrive unlike the testsample's my hardrive start's of with a read speed of 59MB/sec and has dip's down as low as 24MB/s lol.Surely it should slowly slow down like the other hardrive's :confused:
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