Spec me a MP3 player with a bit of a twist...

18 Feb 2006
Basically it needs to be
- bigger than 5GB
- store non music files as back ups
- be plug and play for transfering files to computers

I would like but not required
- Video play back
-less than £90 otherwise it will have to wait a month ( :( )and then it can be less than £200

What can I get for my money? I don't mind getting it second hand. Size is not a issue but I don't want to have a paper bag around it when I need to select the music.

Thanks, Trif. :)
If you have windows XP and WMP10+ then what about Creative Zen Vision:M

It does everything you want it to do if you have WMP10 installed on any PC.
Is there anything wrong with the Toshiba Gigabeat? These can be had quite cheaply on thee ol' bay of E...

I'm very tempted to get a PMA if I save up for a second month. Is there anything wrong with these, as they look like what a PDA should be.
My vote goes to the Sandisk E270 (6gb, colour screen, video playback, ipod nano size - little thicker, 20 hour battery life, FM tuner) for £135-£145
Raikiri said:
My vote goes to the Sandisk E270 (6gb, colour screen, video playback, ipod nano size - little thicker, 20 hour battery life, FM tuner) for £135-£145

If your spending £150 then go the extra £25 and get the zen vision:m. I spent £140 on a 5gb player and ended up replacing it with a 30gb vision:m.
I would rather have the small player, I find my 3rd gen Ipod 20gb to be a bit big (had it aaages though so I'll look into the Vision M as a replacement)
I'm basically in the same boat as you bar the storage requirement although the size of the player isn't that important.

I've seen refurbished 2gb Ipod Nanos for £65 buti've never been a fand of Ipods and they're not exactly plug and play but I'm keeping it in the back of my mind.

On the other hand I have seen a 20gb MP4 player for £100 which doesn everything I want and more but it's obviously bigger and will create a bulge in my pocket. :(
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