Spec me a new TV show!

Traveler (the pilot was a few weeks back and episode 2 starts in a couple of days)
The Wire
Prison Break S1/S2

Seriously, watch Prison Break S1. It absolutely thwacks Lost for goodness, closely followed buy Heroes.

I'd say Prison Break S1 has been the best tv show ive ever watched, it hooked me more than Lost and even more than Heroes. Go, buy it, watch it you won't be able to turn it off.
Difficult because there are so many shows out there!

House - Hugh Laurie being the sarcastic ****** in all of us :)
24 - 'Mr President, if i don't do this, people will die!'
Heroes - Hayden Panettiere
Scrubs - (Except the latest season)
Arrested Development - Brilliant and original comedy
Jet said:
seconded. One of the best tv shows around imo

Arrested Development - unfortunately only 2.5 series, but probably the wittiest comedies around

The 4400 - very similar style to Lost and Heroes, and has been somewhat eclipsed by those two shows, but still definately worth a watch
j00ni said:
The 4400 - very similar style to Lost and Heroes, and has been somewhat eclipsed by those two shows, but still definately worth a watch

I just looked the IMDB page for this and read a few of the forum comments, and this show does look really good. I'll be looking into buying the first season. :)

Thanks for the suggestion. :p
Heroes, Prison Break, House, Las Vegas, the 4400, CSI, CSI Miami, you may even quite like Grey's anatomy, the first season is very short. Alias rocks, the first season of Dark Angel is also good.
Cryfreeman said:
sorry to ask questions on ya thread but what did u guys think of rome?

It was ok when I went. The Colosseum and the Vatican were pretty impressive. You could probably get a pretty cheap flight on one of the low cost airlines as well.

With prison break, it's been the only show where people literally could not wait for the next ep.

It was so intense. (S1).
The Unit is pretty good. Not Hero's or 24 good but worth watching.

I quite like 'Bones' too!

The newer series or Battlestar Galactica are really good too.
I really liked Jericho but it looks like they have killed it now so only 1 session and a cliffhanger at the end...

Others have been listed: House, Heros, Supernatural, Shark (House but with lawyers), 24 is good but watch them in order (s1+2 are the best anyway).

Oh and if you havent watch the new battlestar galactica, do its the best show on TV for years and even if you dont like Si-Fi its very good.
The only program i can add here which scouring through i don't think is mentioned is Band of Brothers :cool: . Great WW2 show.
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