Spec me a point & click game

If you liked walking dead, you really should check out wolf among us as its superb.
The other couple of new franchises by telltale are good too, borderlands and game of thrones but wolf among us is their best one now! :)
The Blackwell games are some of my favourites. Widget eye make fantastic games.

Gemini Rue
Gray Matter
The book of unwritten tales
Memento Mori
The Inner World

Can get Indiana Jones the Fate of Atlantis, Secret of Monkey Island Special Edition and Sam and Max Hit the Road for a total of £4.67 on GoG. All the Broken Sword for £8.06 also!
I'm watching a let's play at the moment of The book of unwritten tales 2, really good looking point 'n' click.
Have you played Syberia 1&2? If not, then you should definitely give them a whirl. Looks like they might fit the bill and the atmosphere is amazing.
Day of The tentacle is a masterpiece...they should really turn it into a film animation.

id recommend the remastered versions of the classics

Broken Sword
Gabriel Knight Beast within (is it that one which was remastered?)
I would expect it to appear on GOG in the next 6 months - they've been adding the old LucasArts games since Disney bought up the rights.

I played it through, for the first time, about 18 months ago, as I picked up a disc copy. It's great :)

I had the disc of it somewhere but alas this was on release and have moved house a few times since than.. I fear it is lost in the abyss! Hence digital download is always my preference.
Thanks for all the suggestions guys, I will definitely check these out. I'm avoiding the Game of Thrones game until I've caught up with the TV series.

Must admit Day of the Tentacle is one I've had my eye on, might just have to invest in this too.
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