Spec Me: A Print

What's the first track there? I'm staring at it knowing I recognise it, but it's not coming to me. It's like a weird mix of TI Aida (or whatever it's called these days) and Riverside but it's obviously not close to either of them.

I find it strange with such other iconic circuits that I'm struggling so much with the first, which is half the reason why I'm certain I know it and it's just not coming to me.

Edit: Oh damn it's Circuit of the Americas. I was thinking it was something historic and epic and from the track map it looks neither of those, and it isn't really (and probably never will be as it's under threat).
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You'd be surprised. I picked up a couple of posters from the silver arrows collection at last years Revival - £25 each!

Granted the full on artwork is pricey. I was damn close to one of the Avus ones until I saw the price!
Nice! It's the fact that it's a 25 print run though. Sure it's exclusive but is there that much difference between a run of 25 and 500? They could make more money flogging 500 a $200 a pop than 25 at 1500. I know I'd think about 200 but not 1500...
Nice! It's the fact that it's a 25 print run though. Sure it's exclusive but is there that much difference between a run of 25 and 500? They could make more money flogging 500 a $200 a pop than 25 at 1500. I know I'd think about 200 but not 1500...

Have you watched how they produced these? Somewhat more cost to their productions than just digital art, quite and interesting approach.
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