Spec me a RAID card

29 Aug 2006
South London
Can anyone recommend me a RAID controller please? It can be any pci type, it must be SATA II, capable of RAID 0 and preferably driverless. Or at least able to work with both Windows and Linux. I really don't know too much about these things but so far i'm swaying towards the XFX Revo64

Grateful for any help!
most mobo's now have RAID capabilites within them, weather it be a dedicated chip or the ports can be used in RAID with software (i think) i'm sure i'll be corrected if i am wrong
Yup, motherboard based RAID solutions offer far better performance that PCI cards. There's no real point in going for a card unless you have no (available) on board ports or if you want RAID5/6.
I already have a RAID array from my mobo but like I said I need to use it with windows and linux. And motherboard controlled RAID is not hardware raid (That's why you have to use drivers from a floppy disk when you install windows for example). I need a third party controller so that linux OS's don't throw a wobbly.
AWBbox is quite right. The on-board RAID solutions are frequently useless in Linux, *BSD, Solaris, etc., since much of the work is done in software.

EDIT: Does it have to be PCI or can it also be some flavor of PCI-Express? PCI is rather limited in its bandwidth. Let me know if you have any PCI-e slots spare.
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