Spec me a SFF system

20 Jul 2005
Been running a laptop and 21" CRT for a while, got a nice 32" telly over Christmas but the laptop doesnt support that resolution, so hoping to build up a HTPC kinda thing.

Never built one before, so hoping for a bit of advice.

My main priorities are cost, and quietness.

Thinking of getting a sff case, and then fairly cheap components, I already have a hard disk thats spare, but no other parts.

Can you list a spec? My main worries are what GFX cards and CPU coolers will fit, as ideally id like them totally silent, so no expensive m/boards with whiny fans please! :p


Can you provide:
Max Budget
What it is you would like it to be able to do (ie media center or gaming)
What size (ie ITX/MATX/ATX)
Max budget: I'd say no more than £300 ideally, a few quid over wont make any difference here or there though.

Games: Not an issue really, I have my proper gaming rig (OK getting antiquated now with S939 dual core X2) so whatever something like an ATi 2400HD plays will suffice.

Size - not fussed, would probably prefer a vertical shape rather than a thin, flat type - but shuttle style size would probs be alright as I have a spot it would fit in.

a shuttle be it AMD or INTEL is gonna cost you from £150.00 to £180.00 depending on the model and what chip your putting in it.

you could get a nice desktop style case or a shuttle style case. but will cost you tho.
but you will have more flexibility on what you can put in the system. the only down side
is the case size will be bigger than a shuttle.

maybe some think like a Silverstone Sugo SG02 or a Antec Fusion
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