Not sure what the hard drive bit has to do with me and I’m still not convinced that turning the tv off at the wall causes damage.
Yes the energy saving are minimal but so is the effort of flicking the wall switch off and any money saved is money that’s better off in my pocket than Edf’s. I also have an led light strip fitted around the tv and this doesn’t seem to go into standby when the tv does so I get random light patterns if I leave the tv on standby.
So if you can provide proof that my tv is being damaged I’ll listen otherwise I’ll just carry on doing what I’m doing.
it was a quote to show that the tv used only 1W in standby unless you had a USB device plugged in then it used more.
first google came up with this
"The real issue here is that the power supply of a piece of electronic equipment undergoes much more stress when it is switched on than when running continously. This is partly due to heavy currents drawn to charge up capacitors, though big transformers can also take a gulp. A marginally designed power supply might well fail if subjected to frequent on- off cycles. Rectifiers may die, internal fuses may pop.
The turning-off process causes no problems.
I work with complicated and expensive electronic testgear, and the invariable rule is to turn it on and off as little possible. If that means leaving it fully powered for a week (there is no standby mode) so be it."
I will agree here. I've seen power supplies work for years until the one day you cycle power to them. Modern TVs have internal power supplies that produce the voltages actually used by the display and the electronics. Cycling power to them is not doing them any favors.
people on here also said the same for mining cards. they said GPU's used in a steady state for mining are likely to be better in terms of wear and tear than those subjected to multiple power cycles. the only part which wouldn't be would be the fans and their bearing which were easily replaceable for like £5.
now cycling my £1K tv on and off every time I want to watch it to save £1 per year just seems like a terrible idea to me based on how electronics work.
You need to get your eyes checked. LG Oleds don't have Android TV.
i think you need to get your eyes checked i'm not discussing LG OLEDS or android tv. I'm talking about power consumption whilst in standby mode and why it would be stupid to turn an expensive tv on and off at the wall rather than leave it in standby. to save £1 per year.
it's like saying i won't replace the oil in my cars engine and save myself £40 per year, yet cause a £40,000 cars engine to increased wear and tear as a result to save £40 which is pennies in comparison to the cost of the car,