This is as useful a place to confess my sins as any. This week, after many weeks of trying to find a tripod which made sense for me, I threw caution and advice to the wind and spent £50 on this 7Dayshop 'professional' tripod.
I went into this with my eyes open and I think I pretty much got what I paid for. It's not lousy, it's not great, but it is light -- which I need as a ageing non-driver with a dodgy back -- and, so far, has managed not to let me down... during testing at home.
The legs are not exactly reassuringly solid, but even with a 70D and 100-400L at full extension the tripod and head hold position nicely; no creep even when angled (though I do have the tripod mount on the lens, which helps).
Ok, the phrase 'rock solid' is not going to be applied here, but for me a tripod is not for long exposures and HDR (much), it's for supporting the weight of my gear during long, often futile sessions waiting for wildlife to appear.
Having said that, the 70D's HDR mode seems happy enough to produce sharp results, but it's using self-correcting algorithms which won't suit serious HDR users.
What else? Free bag's ridiculously bulky because of the padding, and I don't need to advertise my 7Dayshop branding... though neither will I ever pay 20+ quid for the pleasure of a Manfrotto logo on a similar bag, so I can't argue with 'free'.
The quick release plate's a bit on the un-quick side, but that's a trivial complaint and I'll certainly get used to it soon ebough. And... er, oh yes, I'm 5'11 and at full extensiom (ie not the ideal way to use it) the tripod brings the camera viewfinder
exactly up to my eye level, making it very comfortable -- I anticipate -- to use for long periods in patient waiting mode.
There's also a generous return policy for a pristine tripod, so there's not a lot to be lost apart from some time and postage if anyone's curious.
Obviously with the best part of 2k's worth of kit to balance on a tripod, saving money should not be the biggest concern, but selecting a tripod is a pain in the backside, and my instincts tend to be in the redsnapper 'why so expensive?' camp, and it was only weight which turned me away from them in the end.
I had been tempted by but despite the carbon, that's not a light tripod (as portable tripods go) and it's not really high enough for comfort for me. I might have been tempted if I could find more discussion about it, but I couldn't, which makes you wonder why it's cheap and discontinued.
Anyway, a hideously complex and yet theoretically simple product to research. I'm glad I have, perhaps temporarily, solved my indecision. Buy cheap, buy twice may still apply, but my previous £15 tripod has been with me for 15+ years and never let me down. It just wasn't tall enough to suit my increasingly dodgy back.
Hope this helps someone at some point in the future... even if it's only because I add a post in a year's time complaining about how my tripod killed my camera.