Spec me a (turn based?) strategy game

Going out on a limb and saying Age of Empires 3. It's rather old hat now, but the storyline, I thought, was decent. Not turn-based but it isn't SC2 speed by any means...
Another vote for battletech. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

I do recommend the TW warhammer games (I only have the first one, but really enjoy it, and my mates recommend the 2nd). You can play the campaign coop too, which is fun. You can play it like civ with the battles being auto resolved if you want, but I think the battles are the best bit. They can be sped up or slowed down to allow you more time to think or speed up the long march to the initial clash. I quite like the whole idea of having a fixed number of units and your execution of the battle being the deciding factor as to whether you win/lose.
I bought this in a sale but was put off playing it as I read it had a whole-game countdown timer. Loved XCOM though...

Time limitations pee me off as I like taking my time in games.
Me too, it's not really a timer like in other games though, it is to stop you just taking forever to max out everything - as there are so may things to max out, that would make you OP. It just makes you do story missions (which reverse the timer). I still took AGES on my first playthrough, so I certainly took my time.
Thanks for the suggestions so far chaps! I've been researching them all. Endless Legend really appeals, as I love the idea of really unique factions, and strategically, it looks really deep. My main concern is that I just don't have the gaming time to really get into something like this.

What about RTS games? What are the Warhammer 40K / Warhammer Total War games like? Are they pretty frantic? Or more slow paced than Starcraft 2?

Dawn of War 3? Tbh i have not played it but just looked and you can get it for around £5. I loved DOW/2 and had all the content for them.
@Ole Endless Legend, Endless Space 2 and Endless Space Collection are currently free to play this weekend! Could be worth checking them out to see which one you like best.
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