I want to theme up my xp as im getting kinda board of it at the mo. i found a link to a set of icons earlyer called turbo or something.. anyway installed that and like it just need a theme to keep up the standard.. so you know what it looks like here it is : *edit* stupid imageshack..

what im looking for in a theme is:
nice choice of colours, not stupidly dark.
no really high contrasts
easy to read
no rough edges
no pixelation
now i was messing around earlyer and found a very bright colourd theme.. now it was a bit too much but i will keep my mind open
oh and im using a patched uxtheme.dll so it has to work with that.. although i might be talked into getting windows blinds or something if you can show me a good enough theme or give me some benifits of it!

what im looking for in a theme is:
nice choice of colours, not stupidly dark.
no really high contrasts
easy to read
no rough edges
no pixelation
now i was messing around earlyer and found a very bright colourd theme.. now it was a bit too much but i will keep my mind open
oh and im using a patched uxtheme.dll so it has to work with that.. although i might be talked into getting windows blinds or something if you can show me a good enough theme or give me some benifits of it!