Best advice I've ever had for wedding toast drinks is don't buy real champagne it's a total waste of money, next time your at a wedding look around the tables after the speaches and see how many half drunk glasses are left all of which just goes down the sink. Unless your guest list are all wine buffs most of them won't even notice what it is as long as it doesn't taste like dish water they will afterall never actually see the bottles and will be much more interested in the speaches then what they are sipping everytime they stand up.
Save yourself loads of money and get a good quality cava/proseco it will taste every bit as nice as the champagnes mentioned in this thread cost you about half as mch money freeing up budget for much more important things like a band (way better than a DJ).
Save the good champagne for you and your good wife the next day as you sit back and enjoy the memories.
Save yourself loads of money and get a good quality cava/proseco it will taste every bit as nice as the champagnes mentioned in this thread cost you about half as mch money freeing up budget for much more important things like a band (way better than a DJ).
Save the good champagne for you and your good wife the next day as you sit back and enjoy the memories.