I've botched a job of putting up a spice rack on the kitchen wall. I've sorted the holes now, however I suspect the botch comes down to the drill and bits that I've used. I measured very carefully, twice.
The drill bits I'm using seem to be slightly bent. There's a few mm range of movement at the tip and I think that's what has done it. It's a very inexpensive Bosch set, but it seems to have been made from cheese.
I like the box and much of the stuff in it is fine - screwdriver stuff etc.
So I want to replace the individual drill bits with high quality ones.
Can anyone recommend a particular range from a particular manufacturer? I'm looking at DeWalt at the moment, and I'm not really sure why I have it in my head it's good stuff....
Since it's drill bits then money isn't a big concern, it won't total up to much anyway.
What do you think?
The drill bits I'm using seem to be slightly bent. There's a few mm range of movement at the tip and I think that's what has done it. It's a very inexpensive Bosch set, but it seems to have been made from cheese.
I like the box and much of the stuff in it is fine - screwdriver stuff etc.
So I want to replace the individual drill bits with high quality ones.
Can anyone recommend a particular range from a particular manufacturer? I'm looking at DeWalt at the moment, and I'm not really sure why I have it in my head it's good stuff....
Since it's drill bits then money isn't a big concern, it won't total up to much anyway.
What do you think?