"Spec me" Graphics intensive games

FEAR is a beast of a game. Looks amazing with everything set to max in the graphics and physics settings. When Crysis comes out it looks like it will need some major Hardware
Thanks guys...Gonna try FEAR with everything maxxxxxxed lol.

What others? are the graphics intensive games mostly fps games?
gam3r said:
Thanks guys...Gonna try FEAR with everything maxxxxxxed lol.

What others? are the graphics intensive games mostly fps games?

Usually yes, because they have to render a lot of high detail scenes in short periods on time wheres as 3rd person adventures etc dont usually.
Tomb Raider Legend is extremely demanding!
I can't run it on full (with next gen) without it being really slow on my 7900gt.
Runs perfect without it though :p

FEAR is the daddy mate, looks awesome. More cool effects than Condemed, which from the demo seemed cool, but not comparable in terms of eye candy.
Is <30fps on an X2 4200 and 7900gtx with Full everything on Oblivion with LOD mod normal?
PinkFloyd said:
I've been playing Oblivion, bought it after all the rave reviews.

Still yet to find something pretty..... caves, caves and more caves

Look for ruins and youll find underground dungeons/temples etc
PinkFloyd said:
I've been playing Oblivion, bought it after all the rave reviews.

Still yet to find something pretty..... caves, caves and more caves

I know how you feel, so many caves/ruins that all feel exactly the same and serve no purpose.
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