"Spec me" Graphics intensive games

Seeing as though no one has mentioned it yet:

Riddick in SM2.0++ mode. (preferably @ 1600x1200 with 4xAA and 8xAF)

You will no doubt watch your frame rate drop into the teens at times with these settings.

Also Oblivion @ max settings with bring any high end pc to its knees quite easily.
put x3 on, set AA and AF in the graphics control pannl to 8x each or whatever (games only got 4x max option)
that should tax it a fair old bit!
Get the fileplanet beta of Company of Heroes and come play, theres a thread here about it, ocuk COH match i think.

Its awesome stuff and although not particularly intensive looks damn sweet with everything notched up.
FEAR is a badly put together game and shouldnt need as much gfx power as it does to produce decent settings/performance. condemned looks just as impressive, if not better and its a lot more forgiving on hardware.
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