Spec me potential watercooling setup :)

Thanks for the info.

Would something like this res be a bit better?

And as for a pump, I couldn't see the 18W version on the EK site. But I found it from an OcUK competitor. What kind of fittings would be best? As that does confuse me slightly :( And does the rest of it look ok?
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Just to go back a step, are you basing your loop on someone else with the same case? I.e. do you have an idea how it is going to sit in the case? What res you choose is largely dependant where you are going to fit everything. It is useful to do a mock up in Paint or something to be sure. To use the EK res you need the height clearance obviously, including clearance to be able to fill it via the top port, either directly or via an additional barb and length of hose. Add a funnel to your list while you're at it.
I'm basing it partly on someone else's loop with the same case :) I have a rough idea in my head how it is all going to fit in, and I'm semi working on a mock up in Photoshop :D so yeah, I have a rough idea :p haha

Can I ask, for barb fittings, I guess I need hose clamps to keep them on? And compression fittings are a bit posher, and they screw on over the the piping? I like the look of the compression fittings I must say :D Might have to look into some, can you recommend some good ones?
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If you want to go with compression fittings then Bitspower are probably worth investing in. Though it is crucial to get the right size fittings to match your tube. You need to know the outside and inside diameter of your tubing and get comp fittings which match. A compression fitting which describes itself as 10/8 means it is suited for tubing with an OD of 10mm and an ID of 8mm. Some compression fittings are also advertised in proper imperial dimensions, i.e. 1/2" ID + 3/4" OD. You can do the metric to imperial conversion yourself but the measurements have to be pretty much bang on to match your tube.

Interestingly OCUK seem to have massacred their range of fittings. :eek:
Ok. Thanks :) I have found some nice fittings, and some different tubing that will work with them. Any particular tubing manufacturer that should be avoided? I think I have this sorted now. Looking at the 18W DDC pump, and compression fittings. The rest all seems to be ok I think :) Does the pump top seem ok for what I want also? Just want to check the general components are right.

These are the compression fittings I found. They look suitable? :confused:

I also found 90 degree fittings, and 45 degree fittings which were the same type.

Having said that, I'm not sure which tubing size is best :( Will go and read.

Update: From reading, 1/2" ID - 3/4" OD seems to give good cooling performance. Will look for fittings for that, and then make a final list for looking over. Hope my components are a good choice :)

I'm assuming, that when a reservoir comes with attached barbs, they can be removed by unscrewing them yes?
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This is my final list of components. I hope it all looks ok :) And again, if I missed anything just say

CPU Block: ek supreme i7 high flowclear top
radiator: ek coolstream radiator xt 360 (120.3)
pump: Laing DDC-Pump 12V DDC-1T (MCP 350) Not quite this pump, I will be getting the 18W version of it
Pump Top: EK-DDC X-TOP V2 - G1/4 White Acetal I think this works with my above pump (18W version)
Reservoir: EK-Multioption RES X2 - 150 Basic
Tubing: 5 metres of some tubing that will fit the compression fittings I want. Can't link sadly (competitor)
Fans: Sharkoon Silent Eagle 2000 120mm Fan - 3/4 Pin Need 3 of these for my rad
Fittings: I found some nice Bitspower compression fittings, so that's sorted
Fluid: Whatever is best really :)
I hate to bump this, but can anyone check over my list of components to make sure I've got this right? Don't want to waste money when I do buy, or need to start a new thread.
Its all good. Go for either the 18w pump or the D5. The D5 with EK top can't be beat. Distilled water and a silver coil will do for fluid and add a fan controller if you want to keep your rig to be quiet.
Excellent. Thanks for all your help :D I will try and make a work log in the case section when I have all my parts (should be around September time). Thanks again.
One final question for you. And it's quite important: what is the best size of tubing to use?

This will obviously impact on my choice of compression fittings, so I need to know what tubing size is best. I am currently going for 1/2" ID and 3/4" OD. But I don't know if this is the best size (there are so many it's confusing!). Hope you can help.
Tube size has no discernible effect on temperature so go for what tubing you can get for the fittings you want. If you are using compressions be aware that many CPU blocks cannot take 3/4 od side by side so you'll need some rotaries (check with the block manufacturer for dimensions between the inlet and outlet). I opted for 1/2id 3/4od primochill lrt, its a bit pricier than a lot of tubing but it is anti bacterial, contains no plasticiser ( clouds your water ) and has the best bend radius without kinking.
One of the good things with ek is they have PDFs of every block the do containing nice technical drawings with dimensions :)
One of the good things with ek is they have PDFs of every block the do containing nice technical drawings with dimensions :)

Yeah. Problem is, I can't find the technical drawing for the CPU block. But there is one for everything else...lol. There isn't a product spec sheet for it :( but there is for the GPU block.

Update: If the spacing on this block is the same as this block then I can check the specs.
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lol typical, i think you can fit 3/4od on the standard supreme hf, it's the full cover copper and full nickel that have a the inlets closer together. Email ek just to be sure, they'll clear it up really fast if it doesn't get answered here. Alternatively post in the liquid cooling section of xtremesystems, eddy from ek posts there a lot.
I sent them a message with a question about it. If I don't get an answer in a few days, I will post on xtremesystems. Thanks for the tip. I'm quite amazed there are so many different sizes of tubing! Given everything else is one standard.
The rest of my stuff should arrive on thursday, so will have a busy weekend. It's a long process but i realised quite quickly to take my time and not rush anything. There seems to be a few of us jumping on watercooling lately, must be the summer weather, looing forward to seeing the builds :)
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