As I was typing that out I thought "I know
exactly who's going to post up something useful" and here you are
I gotta admit, I know I like ribbing you sometimes but you never fail to come through. Cheers Dowskie!
I do try to keep things sensible in these other forums (especially this one as arguably career stuff is even more important than whether someone gets the "right" GPU in the hardware forum or whatever BMW TW Fox recommended in the car forums etc..), though I love a good bun fight over opinion based stuff in GD/SC and as for any "woke" stuff -
come at me bro... /jk
Would they invest in something like an MBA Essentials course from LSE?
Interestingly Santander will sponsor people for that one for free - just have to apply via them and do some aptitude tests.
I guess there are two types here - the non-credit-bearing/professional certificate ones and the credit-bearing ones.
The LSE one is on EDX, there is a Glasgow one on Coursera - which is included in a Coursera plus subscription, so much, much cheaper than shelling out £3.5k or whatever if not getting an employer or Santander to pay.
Offered by University of Glasgow . Embark on a transformative journey through the world of business with our comprehensive course, MBA ... Enroll for free.
(edit actually the Glasgow one looks to be waaay shorter and probably not fair to compare the two)
LSE one is already sorted for CPD hours (if that's relevant for anyone's professional body - accountants etc. or employer's requirements) but I'm pretty sure that (verified) coursera stuff counts for CPD too.
There are also actual credit-bearing ones* - seems like Birmingham and Herriot-Watt offer "MBA Essentials" course that come with credits.
In the case of Birmingham it's like 2k per 10-credit module:
Our microcredentials are designed to help you upskill or reskill, without the time and financial commitment of a full degree.
Not clear re: Birmingham if the credits are subsequently able to be used on their MBA or just some sort of MSc in "Management"
For Heriot-Watt it's a Postgraduate Certificate - which means 60 credits at masters level (120 = Postgraduate Diploma and 180 = Masters degree), and in that case it can be used towards an MBA - basically, it's 1/3 of one.
Start your journey towards a full MBA at Edinburgh Business School with our fully online MBA Essentials. Develop your management and business skillset.
*If you're taking a course for credit then generally you're actually a student/alumni of that institution, the credit can be used towards a degree or transferred to another institution and it can go with your other formal education BA/BSc etc.. whereas someone taking a non-credit certificate at LSE probably shouldn't try and pass it off as though they were a student at LSE, just as someone who got a CS50X certificate from Harvard shouldn't try and pass it off as though they attended Harvard.