The people who would have recommended these are little gamer boys who love their poorly made and crap sounding fatality branded icemat headsets, or whatever mouse maker now makes headphones. They would not have heard a good set of stereo headphones and realised how much better they are.
5.1 might initially seem better with more drivers in the headphones, but they are soo cheap and crappy that you will be disgusted by them after heariung stereo headphones. Plus with stereo headphones you can also listen to you tunes and watch films as well as hear better in games.
I use a £7 set of clip on koss headphones (over ear) and would never dream of swapping them for a headset. I also sometimes use my nice headphones, but with them being grados, they arn't suited to gaming as they have a worse soundstage than the likes of sennheiser, goldring, or beyer dynamics.
If you want to try a good set of phones then buy the goldring headphones off OcUK that cost ~£50 and you will not be disappointed (or get the senn 555 as recommended). Listen to them and use them for a while then try a friends headset, and laugh at them
Nope, waste of money for a name and some fancy glowing lights. You would be paying more for less quality. Stick with stereo headphones, many people on here have been converted from gamer headsets and are very happy to have done this.