Spec me some hard drives!

16 Dec 2005
Halifax W'Yorkshire

Just to let ya know wont be purchasing this week but would like to know in advance what to get, will be selling my old c2d stuff on MM soon that should fetch a good 100 quid, so thats my budget 100 squidders.

At the moment, iv currently got this configuration of HDDS:

1x 80gb sata split into two 40gb partitions, windows 7 on one part, xp on the other.

1x 160gb with all my documents saved onto it, and installed programs which is running low on space! (got it all backed up on a external 160gb)

and judging by my windows index (everything close to 8.0 apart from my hdds which is only 5.3 there pretty slow now haha)

So whats the deal with all these Sata 6gb or 3gb etc im clueless when it comes to hard drives.

But from my 100 quid budget im looking for:

1 quick drive for my operating systems low capacity

1 well fastest speed for best price high capacity drive for documents and programs.

Also, as iv just got my sandy bridge rig few days ago and theres a sata problem or something with some boards, id like to make sure that i dont have any hard drives that may effect this ? but what i have nows running without any problems.

thanks :)
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Heres the speeds of my drives right now..... Hence the title i saved the image at... Socking.jpg! :D hahahah

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