Spec me some In-Ears (£60)

Let's roll!! I hope I enjoy them. I'm going to leave them for next 4h running to before listening
Just make sure you get a good seal. I normally use large size tips but with these I use medium and insert them further.
I couldnt resist and listen without burning them in.

On initial listening, I have to say, I'm, not blown away as I was when going from skull candy to vsd3s. However, they are less sibilant (borderline sibilant to me), more detailed. Although for my preference bass lacking? Any ideas if bass improves with burn in time? I used silicon tips so would memory foam improve?
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They need a good seal for optimal bass, so it may be worth trying different tips.

You won't have the same WOW factor as you got from moving from Skull Candy to VSD3S, that was a poor quality to good quality move, whereas this is a good quality to good quality move, so differences will be a lot more subtle.

Best way to test them is get a good seal, then listen to them exclusively for a good while and then swap to the VSD3S. That gives your brain enough time to adjust to the new signature.

Also, these are very far from bass cannons and while the bass does go very low, the quantity is not boosted like a lot of IEMs.
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They need a good seal for optimal bass, so it may be worth trying different tips.

You won't have the same WOW factor as you got from moving from Skull Candy to VSD3S, that was a poor quality to good quality move, whereas this is a good quality to good quality move, so differences will be a lot more subtle.

Best way to test them is get a good seal, then listen to them exclusively for a good while and then swap to the VSD3S. That gives your brain enough time to adjust to the new signature.

Thanks, I will try the foam tips. Usually medium work for me.

Hopefully, the bass will be better. I lost my VSD3s somewhere and have no idea where. I listen to B100 for 30 minutes now and bass appears to sound better? (I think I just adjusted to the signature)Although I like the fact they arent sibilant as vsd3s. Will report back later.
Foam tips are the answer! They increased low end + got rid of slight sibilance I noticed on some tracks. Im not an audiophile but these B100 have so much depth to both ends. I dont know how to describe it, it just sounds good. Especially Metallica: Atlas, Rise!

When I switched to VSD3S there wasn't huge wow effect but significant for me to say this is an upgrade from VSD3S (Also found them in my old bag :D ).

Rids57 thank you again for your suggestion. In one word so far they are "phenomenal". Sometimes I wished there was an option to say thank on the forum.
I've been using Tennmark pros for the last few months as my IEM's while playing bass. for £20 they are friggin awesome, I can get very clear sound from my bass while still getting crystal clear vocals and guitars, which has been a real problem in the past, normally I have to settle for bass or vocals with the TTPOD's and Soundmagics I used previously.

I gave them a quick bash with some mp3s the other night and I was more than impressed by them, they are easily as good as my AKG K99s and damn sight more comfortable. The bonus detachable cable is a massive bonus as I normally end up having to replace my IEM's due to breaking the cable at the jack, so hopefully I'll be using these for a long time yet.
After a brief listen with my B100s that arrived today I would say i'm happy enough with their performance. The only comparison i can make is with my DT770 Pros so not really a fair one. I'd say the B100s are just as clear as the DT770s but dont sound quite as warm. I'm no audiophile so i couldn't say whether that makes worse or just different. Overall i'm happy enough with them and wont be sending them back.
Give them time for your brain to adjust as you are coming from a V shaped sound signature (DT770), so lots of bass and treble, and make sure to get a good seal as this makes an enormous difference to the bass.
I don't know but the low end on B100 vs VSD3s is so much different. I think B100 is much more detailed and I prefer it. Any ideas how to up a bass slightly more present, I dont want to make everything else sound worse (I tried to eq it but I made it sound worse, other freq).

Most of songs are okay but I have some that sound like they have no bass at all
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try a smaller size ear tip and use a deeper insertion - I find it makes a quite dramatic difference when you get it right.
Where can you get them? I'm not brave enough to try Aliexpress :D

Most of the chinese sites, dx gearbest etc or failing that ebay and pay a bit more.

They work best when amped, but believe me the sound they produce will surprise you, as they're a dual driver hybrid the tweeter being a knowles balanced armature which are well renound.

The cables are a tyical mmcx connector, so replacement options are plenty.


Some say they're sibilant, personally to me they're not I guess it'll be down to each users preference.

I have the VS1DS and to me they lack bass and are sibilant, the senfer destroy them.
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