Spec Me Wallpaper Paste

Also, call your insurance company at the time instead of trying to clean it up yourself and wondering why the hell it won't move (YOU DON'T HAVE THE STUFF TO DO IT, YOU DUMMY!)

Of course, if we had a Home and Garden section, perhaps these Really Really Really Stupid Things you Should Not Do could be stickied.

I hope you fix your thing, btw :)
Maybe the problem is not the paste but the preperation.......maybe if you are having trouble try some size (I dunno the spelling) but you put it on b4 the wallpaper let it dry...not long then wallpaper over it....ohhh and its cheap
Apple Sauce:)

On a serious note, B&Q brand isn't that bad if you're on a budget. I've had mine up for 5 years now and not had any problems with it. As said above, it's all about the preparation of the wall etc....
I agree that the Wickes stuff is rubbish. A lot of the edges are peeling away on the lining papering I used in my living room. I used Solvite in my bedroom and it has been fine since.

I used 1400 guage paper. Its the thicker stuff and helps to hide small imperfections and the edges but up to each other a lot better, with no chance of overlaps. It needs to be soaked for a bit longer to get it workable though, so a good idea to paste a few and put them in bin liners to stop them drying out.

The finish after a few coats of paint looks pretty much like a painted plaster wall. Its very important to remove anything you can feel with a finger nail, as it will show up through the paper. Use fine sand paper and a decent filler to get the walls nice and smooth, then wipe them down with a damp cloth a few times to remove any debris.
Nothing wrong with 1400 gauge.

where did you find such a heavy gauge?

Wickes IIRC. Just a shame they only seem to sell their own brand paste. Had to get that from Focus. They don't appear to do a 20 meter roll any more either.


This place seems like a decent store for decorating stuff, They have even thicker paper, up to 2000 grade. But I'd imagine that is overkill and a lot harder to use.

....maybe if you are having trouble try some size (I dunno the spelling) but you put it on b4 the wallpaper let it dry...not long then wallpaper over it....ohhh and its cheap

We sized the walls last time, so it's either bad luck, pap wallpaper paste or something else I've missed.

The finish after a few coats of paint looks pretty much like a painted plaster wall. Its very important to remove anything you can feel with a finger nail, as it will show up through the paper. Use fine sand paper and a decent filler to get the walls nice and smooth, then wipe them down with a damp cloth a few times to remove any debris.

I've got a vacuum sander that I'll be going over the walls with prior to papering. It's one of the best things I've ever bought, and makes plaster repairs a doddle for someone inexperienced like myself.

Nothing wrong with 1400 gauge.

where did you find such a heavy gauge?


Cheers for all your comments chaps. :)
On the same subject can anyone recommend a sander for going over walls, got some papering to do in the bedroom but I cba to sand it by hand.
Go hire your self a orbital sander or random orbital sander, & use it with a 180 fine grade paper, this will give a fine finish.
I would think 220 -240 very fine paper would be too fine, clog up too easily.

Thanks Danza: never knew they sold such a heavy grade.
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I bought a little Skil thing on a major shopping site as it was on offer. It did the job. Instructions said not to apply force, but I had to apply force. I also had to buy additional sanding sheets, as I went through them fast.

The amount of dust it produced was incredible, literally everything in my home was covered, and I've spent a great deal of time getting rid of it all. I found out halfway through that the little bag that collects (some) dust is better if I soak it in water.. Even still it produces tons of dust.
Skill is owned by Bosch now I think.
Can't fault Skill tools got a circular saw,must be 18 years old & still works superbly.
But, my Skill random orbital sander has just died after 17 years of a hard life.

Bag is useless, get a industrial vac , plus wear a dust mask.
People still use wallpaper?

We're talking about lining paper :p.

Yes people still use lining paper as it can save you having to go to the expense of having a room re plastered. Also looks just like painted plaster if you do it right, but doesn't come with the cold feel and possible condensation that you get with painted plaster.
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