Specify a wallet

15 Apr 2007

Time has come to get rid of old faithful, jump into the 21st century and get myself a new wallet! Now the requirements! I have various cards around 8 all together. I tend to have a little bit of cash on me and somehow lots of loose change. So as long as its big enough to fit pretty much everything i need in but not too big it looks like i have a flat, wonky and rectangular erection then jobs a good'un! Right.....
Oblivious said:
Its not as bad as some of the others, I for one wouldnt mind seeing people post wallet suggestions :)
Same here, this could actually be a useful thread.
I've been looking for a new wallet for ages and have yet to find one that I like.
I've used an Animal leather wallet for years now, when the last one got too tatty (it had plastic for a picture insert) I just replaced it with the same model. I think it was called a Full Fat (3 leaves) and they are very solidly put together - my current one is about 4 years old and I reckon it looks better as it ages because it acquires a nice worn look to it. As wallets go it looks fairly casual though, it does have quite a bit of space inside as well. :)
My wallet is my travel card thingy

It holds

Driving license
College ID
Skybroadband router info :s??
Debit card

And lots of cash

its starting to tear

I have a perfectly good leather wallet but its too high profile n posh for me
I have a Homer Simpson/Duff Beer one with oodles of space and pockets, plus a chain that hooks onto your belt loops too. Designed especially for that special sort of cretin who tries to grab your wallet at the ATM!
Get to a shop and look at some, touch them as well. Wallet design is pretty formulaic and the aesthetics don't really matter unless you like waving it around. Make sure it's made of leather and doesn't have any zips, that's it really.
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