Speed Hybrid - Formula 1 Wing


Spent the majority of lastnight planning how on earth everything will fit inside the nosecone.
Eventually found a solution.
I give you, The Janky Redneck GPU mount :rock:
Half in, Half out.
Surprising, it fits, and does a great job.

The black back is hindged at the bottom to allow me to open the wing for access.
WIll be picking up some magnets or a latch today. to make sure it stays closed.

After that it's out to the shed to trim down and make flush :)
ALl i got so far today OH EXCEPT!!!! The motherboard is in there, but i'll show you that later ;)
Thanks for looking

ASUS supplied a 3070Ti for this project, however it seems we are swapping this for the Strix 3080.
Here's some images of this beautiful card!





I plan to use the light bar on the GPU and have that flash red with the hash tag #WERACEASONE
The rear end of an F! car flashes red when the batteries are charging and raising awreness to racism and inequality in every sport is important.

Will have more updates soon.
Have some big news to come too. (Just finalizing the details)
Just a small update today.
Working on the entertainment unit for the F1 wing.
5 of my favorite tracks are up.
(Need to finsh the paint in the cornerwhen the filler drys)


More to follow soon.
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