I refuse to believe there is 6fps difference between memory. If there genuinely was in all circumstances I would be buying 32gb of platinum for sure. Can some else test this with single monitors on battlefield 4?
We all know about the APU aspect, but that's different, as the memory speed affect the memory bandwidth available to the graphic core directly, as essentially the system rams ARE the vram.Don't forget for FM2/FM2+ faster memory does makes a massive difference.
Yep. Can pretty much ignore the 32GB results as I suspect most gamers will be looking to buy 8GB or 16GB kits and just like Deceptor mentioned previously the 3.8fps difference between the 16GB results is probably the best result out of numerous runs.Great to see the un-biased graph. This how it should have been in the beginning.
As expected, the gains are marginal at best considering the cost of 2400mhz kits. So price to performance ratio is negligible at best.